Wednesday, January 7, 2015

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to meet the subsequent communication needs incurred, and prayer partners/a financial support base to join me on the journey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: I have made a few adjustments to my newsletter-blog, and will be adding a few new categories soon. If you haven't had time to see the site, please take a few minutes to visit my space on the world wide web. :)

Schedule: January 15th I'm headed up to Albany, New York to coordinate the interpreting needs for Cru's annual Northeast region winter conference: Epicenter! I'll be taking Jaelyn with me - her first flight (out-of-utero)! I wonder how much interpreting I will actually get to partake in? ;) I have 3 other "team terp's" though, and the conference provides childcare for staff kids, so I'm not too worried. I'll be back on the 19th.

Finances: Thanks to a generous donor, I have been given a "Matching Grant" towards the Interpreting Fund budget for the year 2015. My anticipated budget for the year is $84,000. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to learn how to use a "Matching Grant" fund, and am looking forward to meeting with new partners to join me in supplying these needs. If you know of anyone interested in donating towards this amount, please hit reply (if you are reading this in your inbox) or contact me at jenna.buperry @ to introduce me to you friends! We know the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child" - I'll add, "it takes a community to 'win, build and send' laborers for Christ!" Would you join my community?

If you desire to partner with me monthly, my personal account is #0865449. I now have a bio page set up on the Cru site with a link to my blog, and easy giving accessibility. 

Thanks for stewarding your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria