Monday, March 21, 2016

It's a bird, it's a plane.. It's Super Terp!

Through planes, trains and automobiles the interpreter team trickled in over the last few days. There was some concern when two of our interns on the team missed their flight and came in the next day, but all is well now. 

Please take some time this week to see what the students at Big Break are learning through the Morning Sessions and Evening Sessions. These sessions are live streamed at 10am and 7pm EST, but are also archived on the same page, and viewable whenever you are able to watch them.
We pray that it blesses you!
Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to meet the subsequent communication needs incurred, and prayer partners/a financial support base to join me on the journey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
(Personal) When you are in the middle of a trying situation it's weird how time seems to stand still, and yet drain down the hourglass at the same time. Over a month ago now I typed "I'll try to follow up with any concluding information we receive next week, but for now it's just a waiting game.." in regard to my mother-in-law's disappearance. Here are the links to my subsequent facebook posts if you missed them (January 13th, January 15th, January 18th and February 13th).
This weekend we are headed back to California to be with Azael's family for a Celebration of Life event. Her body has not yet been found, but the family feels this is the next right step. If you think of us over the weekend, prayers for closure and to be able to walk alongside family members well during this time of grief are appreciated. 
(Ministry) Radiate was a land mark event for us as they Live Streamed the interpreter for the first time at a Cru event AND archived them!! Next on the agenda is getting them to caption the promo's and funny video's but it's a HUGE step in the right direction! :)
Now we are gearing up for Big Break - so far 4 Deaf students/Staff are committed to going. I'm in the the process of getting the interpreting team together and planning for the week long conference at the end of March.

*I'll be going to Big Break in Florida March 20th-26th. 
* I'll be doing some recruiting/fund raising trips in April - my current plans are to visit St. Louis, Northern Indiana and RIT.
*Exciting things are in the works for an overseas trip! This will be another FIRST in the Cru world for Deaf individuals. I can't say much now, but as soon as we nail down the details I'll share about the plans we are making - SO EXCITING!! :)

Finances: As always, your monetary investment allowing us to bring access to the gospel to Deaf college students is invaluable. I am continually asking Abba to bring more laborers to the Harvest - which includes those of you who give so generously to allow us to go and do the physical labor part. A new year means a new schedule of events and a new budget to fulfill. Please feel free to forward this email or simply click on this link and send the web page on to friends and family that you think would be interested in partnering with us as we reach one of the largest unreached people groups in America!

We appreciate your prayers regarding Azael's mom.
I remain grateful for your choice to steward your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria