Thursday, May 31, 2018

Bringing back --FrienDay FriDay-- !

I know, I know - It's been a while since I've sent out an update. 
Y'all, I've been so pregnant with potential projects 
- there I go again, with that word play analogy that scares or annoys people ;) 
But here's the kicker - somewhere in the midst of all these 'pregnant with potential' projects I got pregnant with the the human kind of potential too!

Baby Bu "da 3rd" coming December 2018.. 

(and unfortunately, pregnancy and I go together like oil and water :( 
Morning (ie:all-day) sickness is my friend currently, 
and sleep demands my attention during the day and ignores me at night :( 
so if you think of me, say a prayer for a settled stomach, 
a non-foggy head and sleep when it's dark outside! Thanks)

Happy 'new' Frien-Day Fri-Day! 

Soli Deo Gloria