Wednesday, February 5, 2014

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)

I've been on this recruiting trip 4 weeks
In those 28 days, I've:
traveled on foot for 8.3 miles 
ridden in a car for 727 miles 
taken Public Transportation for 67.3 miles 
flown high in the sky for 1438 miles

I have been the recipient of 6 wonderful "bed and breakfast" hospitality from friends, new and old.
I've consumed 26 "free to me" meals, thanks to generous friends along the way :)

I have met:
10 Deaf students interested in Summer Project
4 Individuals interested in joining the Interpreting team
2 Churches willing to consider monthly support 

I am 15 weeks along with Baby BúPerry. 
I get to see my husband again in 7 days! 

I'll be home in 11 days. :D

Soli Deo Gloira

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