Thursday, June 12, 2014

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)


Today will be my 91st  post.
And my 3rd year of maintaining this blog.

Today is the 12th day of Wildwood Summer Project 2014. It's weird not being there, but also feels good to be home!

I am 33 weeks along with Baby BúPerry. 
Anywhere from 3 to weeks till we meet BABY Bú

We have considered roughly 349 names.. however, no, we have not settled on 1 boy or girl name yet.. ;)

Tomorrow, I will go take my 4/5 level certification test (required to continue interpreting in the state of Oklahoma.) I am currently a 4/4.. but it expires in August.. if I get a 5/5 score, I don't have to take it again (as it's good for life given I keep up the yearly required Continuing Education Units) :) 

Soli Deo Gloira

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: It's definitely weird not being in New Jersey this summer. Azael and I keep finding ourselves commenting "it's June 1st.. Project starts today.. we're not there.." .. "Today is the 3rd day of Project.. typically we'd be watching the sun-rise over the ocean.." .. "Oklahoma is pretty far from an ocean and beach.."

We are preparing for Baby's arrival mid-July, though. I am finally "nesting" - rearranging our house, and getting the supplies necessary for our planned home birth :) It's good to be home for now! :)

I have also met and talked with my new "MPD Coach". MPD stands for Ministry Partner Development and is the Cru term for "Support team". I have my goal for my monthly support, and am in the process of changing over to a new email address with Cru. I'll be emailing ya'll from that email address shortly to try to keep everything organized :)

Schedule: My current "assignment" is to find a team of supporters to partner with me for prayer and financial support for my foreseeable future with Cru.. However, given the circumstances of baby's impending arrival, I don't have a set timeline to complete my goal. I'm hoping to finish the support raising process sooner rather than later, but I don't have a hard and fast deadline. 

Finances: My account number has now changed, and the site is ready! If you have giving set up directly to the old account (#2870830) and desire to continue partnering with me monthly, I can get you the information to switch over to my personal account (#0865449.) Like I said, I'll be following up soon with my current supporters to see if they want to switch their giving from the General Interpreter Fund to my Personal Account - however if you are chomping at the bit to change over, reply to this email and I'll get that info to you promptly :)
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria