Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: It's definitely weird not being in New Jersey this summer. Azael and I keep finding ourselves commenting "it's June 1st.. Project starts today.. we're not there.." .. "Today is the 3rd day of Project.. typically we'd be watching the sun-rise over the ocean.." .. "Oklahoma is pretty far from an ocean and beach.."

We are preparing for Baby's arrival mid-July, though. I am finally "nesting" - rearranging our house, and getting the supplies necessary for our planned home birth :) It's good to be home for now! :)

I have also met and talked with my new "MPD Coach". MPD stands for Ministry Partner Development and is the Cru term for "Support team". I have my goal for my monthly support, and am in the process of changing over to a new email address with Cru. I'll be emailing ya'll from that email address shortly to try to keep everything organized :)

Schedule: My current "assignment" is to find a team of supporters to partner with me for prayer and financial support for my foreseeable future with Cru.. However, given the circumstances of baby's impending arrival, I don't have a set timeline to complete my goal. I'm hoping to finish the support raising process sooner rather than later, but I don't have a hard and fast deadline. 

Finances: My account number has now changed, and the site is ready! If you have giving set up directly to the old account (#2870830) and desire to continue partnering with me monthly, I can get you the information to switch over to my personal account (#0865449.) Like I said, I'll be following up soon with my current supporters to see if they want to switch their giving from the General Interpreter Fund to my Personal Account - however if you are chomping at the bit to change over, reply to this email and I'll get that info to you promptly :)
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

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