So in an Abram-esque "go to the land that I will show you" way, what we thought was our final destination (California) has now become just a layover on our newest adventure. Through a series of God-ordained events, we are not settling down here, but instead will begin the second leg of our journey next week in order to make our way to Iowa at the beginning of August. Azael has been offered a job with Deaf Missions working on the ASLV (American Sign Language Version) translation of the Bible, and will begin attending their Training Center as well. This will not impact my job within Cru, but it does change some of our thoughts and strategies about how things will play out this coming semester. I'll update on those as we figure them out. ;)
This was not something we foresaw when we moved out here to California late-June, and really, I don't think our seemingly stutter-step was a move in the wrong direction. God has blessed our time with Azael's family, allowed Jaelyn to get to know her set of West-Coast Aunts and Uncles and given us some time to dream about and make an action plan for the trajectory of our family. While it will not end up being a "cost-effective move" on our part to come all the way west to Cali only to go back north to Iowa, it has been a worth-while trip in terms of personal investment. We trust that God has gotten us this far, and He will continue to provide as we "step out knowing He won't let us sink".
As we continue on this journey, there are a few unknowns - mostly related to adjusting to another new place and finding a mid-wife for our baby. We are 18 weeks along, and I'm feeling some "time-crunch" on getting settled and ready for baby Bu #2.. Prayers for timely answers about home-birth in Iowa and our transition there are appreciated.
Thanks so much for your support - prayerfully and monetarily - during this time. We are ever grateful to your investment in our lives and appreciate your continued willingness to walk this journey with us :)
Soli Deo Gloria:D
Iowa! I totally missed that memo! So many exciting things happening in your corner of the world!