Today is the inaugural day of my 35th trip around the sun. The last 34 times I've succeeded.
Lord willing, I hope I make it to the end of this one as well! ;)
With the media abuzz about coronavirus, I don't have much to add to the constant updates and articles that are flooding the web. I will say that in situations such as these my mind tends to wonder about those who have gone before us in regard to things like the Black Death in Europe and the Yellow fever that overtook those building the Panama Canal. If this virus is going to threaten us, I can't think of a better time in history to have to self-quarantine. It's akin to when I was dating Azael. He lived in Honduras while I was here in the States. People would ask how our long distance relationship was progressing, and I would always say, "I'm glad he's only a video call away, and not writing a letter and waiting 6 months for a response!" As Trevor Noah said, "There's no other time that someone will give you the advice to [look at your phone, watch T.V. all you want, and binge on social media.]" I hope you are all enjoying some of the 'down time' you've been 'given'. :)
It's been a couple of years since I did a birthday countdown or update, but I wanted to continue to the tradition of documenting my 'new year' with you all. ((And since I know my updates have been few and far between these last few years, I wanted to give an overview of where I am..)) I had hoped to get this out in the morning, so you could read it ON my birthday, but in reality I took my first breath in the evening, so it's fitting that it's dark while I'm finishing it. :)
In August of 2018, I sent an update explaining that I had not been feeling well for a while. At the time it seemed like it was stress and life changes (and those probably did play into my overall health); however, I have recently been seeing a doctor for my persistent extreme exhaustion and finding there is more to the equation. The brain fog and consistent headaches that have accompanied me for a while now have become too much to just 'muscle through'. In February I had some initial blood work done that came back inconclusive. I need to get some more tests run, but the doctor suspects it's either food allergies or Lyme's Disease. Thus, I'm starting the Whole30 today as a way to try to identify any possible food allergies, and I am taking the next steps to corner the potential Lyme invader. It's both a relief and a burden to have a possible diagnosis. In my limited amount of "good days/time" updates have been put on the back burner. I apologize for not prioritizing communication and I hope to have a "State of the Ministry" update coming soon.. :)
And, if I'm honest, part of the reason for not updating this past year is that I'm still picking up pieces from the 'shipwreck' that happened last summer. I find myself thinking that I've got my 'sea legs' back and I'm ready to go, only to find another layer of insecurities or interpersonal issues to work through. I feel like I'm in good company and I have a great support system around me, but that doesn't make the work of cleaning up a spiritual/emotional shipwreck go more quickly. I'm trying to be diligent to do the work now so as to avoid another shipwreck in the future.

Speaking of pictures, I did a thing today. This is the shortest my hair has been since I was 3 or 4 years old! ==>
Thanks for reading through this update. Please know that ministry IS still happening - and those who benefit from using the ASL interpreters at the conferences and events that Cru hosts ARE Eternally Grateful!
Really and truly - so very grateful for your partnership with me in this mission!
Soli Deo Gloria
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