Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Cuz I can't think of anything worth saying"..

Now I remember why I quit blogging back in college.. cuz I'm terrible at figuring out what to say when I don't know my intended audience! I've started, and re-started typing this inaugural blog intro 3 times now.. *sigh*

Ok - Com'on Jenna.. you can do this!

Reasons to join the Blog world are as follows:

1) Last year I only sent updates to those on an e-mail update list.. Only to hear friends comment later "I wish I would have known about your summer".. *note-to-self: maybe a blog would be easier to access than a 100 names on an e-mail address*
2) At different points during the summer, I added people to that 100 name e-mail list, only to FWD them all the previous e-mails they had missed to try to catch them up.. *note-to-self: if you had a blog, they could get caught up alot easier on their own time*
3) I realize I'm long winded when it comes to updates.. and friends have told me that they often read my updates in part.. only to loose the e-mail later in their inbox..   *note-to-self: people seem to prefer perusing blogs, than staring at their inbox all day trying to read your chapter long updates*

4) It's easier to update multiple people with a blog.. and tho I like to be as personal and individual in my responses as possible, it might now be one of those "either/or" situations.. it might work for both.. *note to self.. I hope it is both/and! :)*

So, let the posting BEGIN!

as many of you know, I am going back to Wildwood, NJ as Interpreter/Interpreter Coordinator for the Summer Project there with Campus Crusade for Christ. Here you will find my English musings and blessings. I am linking a secondary Blog base for my ASL version of what goes on here.. 

I think that's all for this round - over and out, ya'll!
Soli Deo Gloria

"but I know that I owe you my life.."