Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Head out on the Highway, Lookin' for Adventure.."

The kind of Adventure that comes when I surrender to the Lord and say "Ok, make my schedule what you will.."

The 12 hour+ drive that I thought I had ahead of me yesterday turned out to be only 10 - WHOOOT! Praise the LORD! We (my wonderful Friend Courtney) and I made great time, didn't hit much traffic at all, and stayed within the range of the speed limit (5 over).. (mostly!)

Final departure time: 7:45am
Final arrival time: 5:35pm


I took some video's yesterday, which I shall update here shortly.. They have some ASL in them, but I won't be adding captions.. sorry.. maybe later.. but now it's too time consuming.. and I'm tired of sitting :)
(I will say that in the first part, when you hear Courtney talking, she says she's interpreting what I am saying.. but she doesn't know any sign language.. just fyi)   ;)


TODAY the fantabulous taxi cab driver: Courtney Joy and I point our trusty stead North, and head towards Washington D.C.

Google Maps has it listed at 11 hrs and 16 mins.. 
I'm ready for teleportation to be invented! ;)

In-lieu of Praise's tho, I'm not hurting (back, neck, wrist) as much as I could be. I'm ever so grateful for Courtney's driving expertise! YAY God for working out schedules so she could join me on this endeavor!

I think thatssssss all for now.. 

Soli Deo Gloria

"Born to be wild.."