Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"You'll find life in this colliding.. "

As I've been catching up with the 100 e-mails that had been piling up in my inbox, I've been telling people that Time and I have been going through a reconciliation process. We actually had a really bad spell, and thought about separating, but then I came to the conclusion that I will have to interact with'em often, as Time is pretty much everywhere.. So, we are currently trying to reconcile after being sworn enemies for the past 2/3 weeks.. *chuckles* 

Sooooo - where to start on this update?? What happened over the past 2 weeks that should be documented? hmmm.. when I say the last 2 weeks of June were sheer Cr@zIne$s, I am not exaggerating. God, in His loving providence, steered me through them - but there were days that I thought I would become a push-puppet,
(remember those old school toys that collapsed)
[Push puppet - A push puppet consists of a segmented character on a base which is kept under tension until the button on the bottom is pressed. The puppet wiggles, slumps and then collapses, and is usually used as a novelty toy.]
yeah - I thought I'd be one of those and just fall apart..!

So, brief recap - June 10th to June 17th Daron (Interpreter from RIT) was here. side note: I had scheduled a different guy terp for June 19th since Daron would already be gone, and 3 days before, he called and cancelled on me. This was bad - since I had been trying to find a team interpreter for this guy (meaning that I knew no one else was available). After trying/exhausting ALLL options, I finally asked Daron if he would be willing to extend his stay til Monday. This would mean 1) He would have to make some calls to cover commitments he had back at home 2) He would have to be a nomad as far as housing is concerned, as I had booked another interpreter to come in on the 17th/stay at the place he was currently staying and 3) He would have to cancel his flight/re-book it for Monday. And I'd have to find him a ride to Philly - being that I had to work Monday morning when he would fly out.. THANKfully it all worked out, and he was able to stay. THANKS for being a ROCKSTAR, Daron!

June 17th-June 25th Melody (Interpreter from PA) was here. She recently graduated from an ITP program, but has been learning sign language for the past 12 years (while she home schooled her kids, she explains). As the Lord provides interpreters each year, most of the time it is through referrals. Friends of deafies, or recommendations of other interpreters I know. It can be hard for me to know what to expect as far as skill sets go and what the team structure will look like. Both Cory and Daron are "Working Interpreters" in Rochester/at RIT. That means we were "Peer Interpreters" during the weeks they were here. I would interpret for Kinna and they would interpret for Auzy separately during some of the trainings. Melody is a "pre-certified interpreter". Meaning she does not have as much experience as Daron, Cory and I. This is not necessarily a problem, as I do not mind mentoring someone, giving constructive feedback and encouraging growth - however, I was not expecting to be in "mentor mode" that week. I misunderstood the situation coming into the week, and while it worked out, it was more work on me than I had anticipated. Again.. it wasn't bad - just different than I had planned for. So, "Yay God" for grace, for flexibility and for Kinna being patient!

June 26th - July 2nd.. I just about thought the world had ended! soooo sooOOO SOOO MUCH crammmmmmed into 5 days. I knew I would be solo this week, and I knew that it was the staff's last week here (aka I would have both Deaf individuals to interpret for by my lonesome), but I also did not comprehend the situation fully. I think there was one or two days that I interpreted from 9/10am to 11pm.. maybe with 20-to-40 minute breaks between 2 to 3 hour long terp sets.. Jehovah-Jireh provided me with the strength (and lucidness) to make it through somehow. Only by His ability did I survive. 

Ohhhkay.. I think that's most of the main points of the past 2 weeks. This week seems to starting out well.. Hey - my goal for posting Monday is only 2 days off this time, instead'a 3.. by the end of the summer, I'll get it! I'll post by Monday one of these days! 
speaking of Monday..
Monday - July 4th, I was able to catch up with a girl Auzy and I met last summer who had just graduated from Gally (Gallaudet - cuz it's soooo long to type it out, ik, ik..). She is from 20 minutes north of Wildwood, but was in town for the holiday. We hung out for the afternoon, and had a totally Spirit lead convo while getting lunch together. We will hopefully meet up this weekend. I'm excited to continue to re-connect with her. 

As of July 1st, I moved to a new location too - which is working out nicely so far. Next week I have an interpreter coming in, so I'll have a roomie for a week. That will be great too.. AND I finally have CONSISTENT internet. That was prolly the biggest culprit in my "non-posting-ness". Where I was staying for the first month only received a WiFi signal from the top deck, and we were on the middle floor. The signal was not very strong either, thus sometimes it worked, other times it didn't.. 
YAY for "free" wifi, BOO for not good quality ;)
but now I have consistent internet at the new place that I am staying - thus I hope to be consistent in my last few weeks to update ya'll :D

(My next update will try to be less "schedule updates", and more "how I'm doing".. but I think this entry is long enough without going into more deets..stay tuned!)
THANKS for hanging with me. Hope You are also experiencing our Adoni this summer in rejuvenating, challenging, and encouraging ways! 

Soli Deo Gloria

"Oh the Beauty of Surrendering.."

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