Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"I Lift My Hands to Believe Again.."

I've decided that instead of fighting it, I'm just going to embrace it.. so - in keeping with my tradition, I am blogging on Tuesday :) 

Yesterday, I painted a "commission" piece of artwork for my Brother and (to-be)sister-in-law.. took me about 4 hours total.. I forget how much I like painting, until I paint something. I have the picture on my phone, I'll see if I can upload it later..

Sew("a needle pulling thread"), what's new? you ask.. 
Last Friday I picked up Andrew from the airport. He is the interpreter from Missouri and will be here until the end of project. *YAY* Thus far things have gone well, and he seems to be able to "roll with Project's punches" (a.k.a the ever changing schedule that the last few weeks of project bring). He's also been super great at being flexible. All of my interpreters who come and stay for a week or more are hosted by a wonderful couple from The Lighthouse Church, Paul and Dottie Brandt. They did the same thing last year, and have been a God Send! However, since I leave on Saturday, that means I am taking my car with me.. and the Brandt's live a good 15 minute drive from the Project house. Being that Andrew flew here, the only wheels I could get for him would be a bike or roller skates, and that would make the trip around 30 mins, on a good day. Add in the heat wave we've had here, and things were not looking good. 
*Enter Johnny Mac and Mina* (with thematic "here I am to save the day" music, complete with Super hero capes and costumes!.. ok, maybe not the costumes)
Johnny Mac (as he's called by Project Peeps) was on Summer Project last summer with Auzy. This summer he's come back to work at his job from last summer and to live in Wildwood with his friend Mina, who we (as a Project) met last summer when he came over from Egypt looking for work. Mina and some of the Project students from last year formed solid friendships, and this year, he'll be moving to Indiana to hopefully be a student at Ball State University. Mina is a Christian - and as such, has been blacklisted in his home country. He can't graduate or find a job there. So he came to America, in hopes of finding refuge from the persecution. It's really encouraging to talk with him, as he recognizes that everything he's been given is directly a gift from God. :D
So- Johnny Mac and Mina live about a 15 min walk from the Project house (which is waaaaaay better than a 50 min walk) and have a couch open for Andrew to stay with them for a week. Mina is willing to give up his room for Andrew to stay (Egyptian hospitality is great!) But Andrew says he is fine on the couch. I told them they'd have to wrestle for the "Humble" award, but really, it's such an answer to my "Um, God.. what do I do with Andrew the last week, and not leave him stranded with no car" prayer. We will be moving Andrew over to the guys apt on Friday. YAY!

As for other updates: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
OH! This past Saturday, we had out "Bowling Day" outreach for the Deaf community. Five of our Deaf friends showed up. It was great (as I was mostly in the participant/observer role, NOT the terp role) to sit back and watch the students interact with our Deaf friends. Of the 10 of them, 3 guys and 7 girls, there are 5 of them (4 girls, and 1 guy) that are confident enough to strike up a conversation with any of the Deaf individuals there, and are able to maintain the convo at the basic level. For being introduced to their first Deaf person 2 months ago, I think some "Praise Jesus, Hallelujahs'!" are in order. I am continuously humbled by the students motivation to talk directly with Kinna, and other Deaf people. I was talking to Andrew last night, and he was commenting that he noticed that almost all of the students are willing to engage with Kinna directly. They don't seem intimidated or shy to ask her things, even if it means fingerspelling the whole sentence. Sadly, this is not the norm for hearing people, thus it makes the blessing even more evident. I was reminded at how great it is that these 44 Hearing College Students are being exposed to the Deaf community. These students are going to be the next generation of leaders in the Church/"Christian cirlces", and in the work place. To allow them the experience of this summer, and give them the opportunity to see that "Deaf people can do anything, except hear", makes the next time they meet a Deaf person that much less awkward. It makes the process of the next time they need to use an interpreter, or hire a Deaf individual, or have a Deaf person that starts coming to their church, that much easier - since they've already gotten their feet wet in the Deaf community! SUPER PRAISE JESUS (are you with me??!!)

As I get ready to head back home on Saturday, I am trying to make sure that I get all the things completed that I need to. I am still battling (yes, picture StarWars, episode 2 - light sabers, changelings, bounty hunters, and those skyriders.. ) the website which keeps my budget captive. I do have a budget on paper - but everyone knows to be leery of putting me in charge of numbers! I have checked my math, and even used a calculator - but last I looked at the updated (online account that I can't access directly, since their system doesn't think I exist in the capacity that I need to in order to access it) account it was $600 less than what I had. *If* my calculations are correct, I should zero out this summer, with everyone paid accordingly. *If* the computer (at this time) is right, then I'll be $700ish in the hole.. *sad-day face*
I think (read: am 97% positive) that I am right! buuuut, things on the other end of the system (at the DEATH STAR, as I've decided to call them) seem to be taking rather long to process. Thus my attempts to chase down the numbers (using those skyriders {is that what the thing Luke and Obi Wan ride in called?}) in cyberspace.. seem rather futile. However, as I started out last year, and have continued to trust this year, "The Lord knows how much is needed, and He will Provide." 
I am learning this summer a lot about blind trust, sometimes known as the "leap of faith" kind.. I tend to be the person that can trust pretty easily, as long as there is "some kind of possible answer" in the foreseeable future. However; I feel this summer, I have found myself in many situations in which God says "Trust me" and I say "Ok, which way?" and He just says, "Trust me".. to which I stand there, feel awkward just hanging out, and say.. "oh-kay?".. only to be whisked away a little while later to the PERFECT answer to my situation.. I've heard it explained that Trust is putting ones full weight on something - like sitting on a chair. So I guess I'm learning to REST in my TRUSTING.. to pull my feet up under me -indian style, and relax in Him.. instead of sitting precariously on the edge of my seat, ready to jump up and "help God out" at any given moment. It's a learning process, but I'm enjoying it thus far.

In closing, I guess I can give you a run down of my week of driving home (incase you want to stalk me.. or PRAY for my travels *wink*)
Saturday: I'm leaving Wildwood, and going over to D.C. where I will spend the evening with my good friend Kari!
Sunday: I'm off to Ohio, to stay with a friend from my college days. We were in Cru together, so lived a lot of life side by side. This will be my first time to visit her home town tho, so I'm super stoked. It's about an 8 hour drive (*sad day*)
Monday: Chill day. Time to recover from the day before and rest up for the next day.. :)
Tuesday: Heading down to Missouri. Will be back in Fulton - YAY College! Excited to see a few good friends! another 8 hour drive or so.. (*blah*)
Wednesday: Rest, Relax, Repeat. Another down day to be ready for the whirlwind I'll be joining at home! :)
Thursday: I make the last 6 hour drive home to T-TOWN! yay :) 
Friday: Rehearsal Dinner / bachelorette party for the Bride to be
Saturday: My Bro-ha gets HITCHED to his cute and wonderful lady, Shenangians! I'm'cited! 
Sunday: Praise Jesus.. then SLEEEEP!!??
Monday: Start back to work :)  TSHA, ya ready for me to be back? cuz ready or not, here I cooooome! :)

Thanks ya'll for taking this journey with me! Hope your summer has been full of blessings and rest!
Soli Deo Gloria

"As I pour out my heart, these things I remember - YOU are Faithful God, Forever!"

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