Hence, without further ado, here's the first Quote/Phrase/Thought/Lyric:
"Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that really don't matter." Tim Kizziar
Being that I live in the Bible belt, I often run into situations in which I think "is that really something you (as a Christian, or as the Church) should be bragging about?
To me, this quote reminds me that God is in the business of changing lives - whether it's publicly on T.V. through ppl like Tim Tebow and Jeremy Lin, or whether it's super private, in a church of 20 people - and our aim should be "Christ-like-ness", not whether or not we've met our "goal" of having so many new people visit the church, or raising so much money for a new worship center or _(whatever)_. Not that those things are bad - as long as our PRIORITY is experiencing life change by-thru-and-from the person of Jesus Christ.
It's also a reminder to me when I'm feeling competitive - "is this something that will last forever?" (There are 2 things that I know that will last forever: God's word, and the souls of humans).. I'm reminded that it's great to be good at what you do.. just make sure to have perspective of the bigger picture.. :)
Soli Deo Gloria
very thought-provoking! God's been challenging me on this one...