The first 2 days of the road trip home were fairly tolerable. Saturday, July 30th, I made it to DC by 4pm, was able to go to church with my friend, and ran into another friend I've not seen in a while.. YAY for the Lord's providence to catch up with sweet friends :)
Sunday, I drove 8 hours to Ohio, and made it to my friends' place in pretty good time. Made a few pit stops, and wasn't too stir crazy nor in too much pain by the time the drive was over. Listened to some random radio shows, and time went on by rather smoothly.
Monday I caught up with my friend, got to see where she worked, and just chill - good time of rest and refreshing conversation. When I am interpreting, I tend to have this filter that I wear - that "masks" who I am most of the time. And it's not intended to be in a "hypocritical" way, it's just the nature of the job.. I am there to make the Deaf individual known.. and not for myself. Thus I often don't share my opinion, give my perspective or add my ideas - and if I do, it is always a "tone'd down suggestion" kind of way, not really me - if that makes sense? During my time interpreting, I get to a place that I forget I have the filter up. It just becomes who I exist as - and I am ok with that. However, when Project is over, and I get to just be me.. there is a refreshing release that comes with that transition. Being able to process things with life giving friends only doubles the blessings. My friend Kari, in D.C. and my friend Courtney in Ohio are two people that I am constantly grateful for their desire to point me to Christ in our conversations, and to remind me of the reason we do what we do - and the privilege it is to be a "Christ-bearer".. *grins* so very grateful for them!
Tuesday I drove from Ohio to Missouri.. and that drive just near committed me to the "old skool" insane asylum.. Time felt like it stood still, things took wayyy longer than expected, and I missed my "Chauffeurs" greatly! (Cory, Daron - 2 interpreters who often drove my car when we were together, Auzy, and Courtney - friend from High School who drove out with me back in May to be precise). My body ached, and I was pretty cranky on the inside.. I did have a fun g-mail chat with a friend tho, while I ate lunch at Panera, waiting for some videos to upload that my replacement interpreters needed.. so that was a bright spot in the middle of a dreary day.. OH - annd, I did have to laugh at God's "make me giggle" gift.. About 100 miles outside of St.Louis, I noticed one particular car and I kept leap frogging.. and both passengers had Cochlear Implants.. when they passed me for the 6th time, I asked if they were deaf (in sign language, ofc) and they both, looked startled, but said yes.. we continued our "one liner questions/leap frog game for 30 mins or so.. Sign Language FOR THE WIN~!
Wednesday got to catch up with 3 friends from college - more "breath of fresh air" kind of conversations. I am grateful for my college mentor, Tessi, (who I stayed with those 2 days) and her godly insight/relevant wisdom about life. I always leave her house feeling rejuvenated, and joyfully exuberant (if those are not synonyms.. I think it can mean what I want it too.. *shrug* eh).. had great conversations with Sherry, Cassie and Rebecca too before jettisoning off to OklaHOMEa :)
The drive on Thursday I was somewhat dreading, however, I was pleasantly surprized by 2 new BY-PASS's and this super cool new idea to have a "3 lane" high way that alternates passing lanes every 2 to 3 miles with an intermittent turn lane.. my typical 6 hour drive home turned into 5hrs15mins! that was MarVeLoUs! So, I came home to lotsa ppls, as the brothers wedding was set to go down on Saturday, and prep was in FULL-swing. I didn't unpack my car, as there was wedding stuff all over the place, and my younger sister decided to pull a "Coming of Age" prank on me, and empty my room of all my things.. thus I didn't have a book case to bring my books to, or shelves to put clothes back on, ect.. soo I just left everything in my car..
Friday, we went up to the church around 9am.. then I came home at 9:30pm, only to leave again at 11, to go to the sleepover for my sister-in-law-to-be.. then was home Saturday morning for an hour (if that?) to shower, get together the last minute things for the wedding.. Was a great-fun wedding, yay for bro-ha and new sis-in-law.. the only one I'll ever have, on my side anyways :D
Sunday, went to church, then played "where does it go" with alllllll the things from the wedding.. said farewell to family/friends who came in for the wedding, and tried to regain consciousness ;)
Monday - um, mtg, go see Pa-Pa, mtg, catch up with a friend, planned to unpack car - but the day was toooo HOT.. so waited til evening.. then it started raining.. so, I worked on an update video some, before hitting the hay..
TUES-DAY (To-DAY) finally brought in my "closet" from my car, and unpacked the rest of the things I carted around with me from the summer.. annnd now, I'm updating my virtual world on life post-project. :) *whew*
It's hard to summarize Project in a nut-shell..
I guess the best thing to say would be to tell you of the plans of Kinna, the Deaf female student who participated in Project this summer.
Coming into the summer, she was low on support and doubting if God really wanted her to be there, and not super "on board" with Cru as a whole. She was on the leadership team of her campus's "movement", but not very involved, entering her Senior year, and planning to live off-campus.
Leaving project, she had her summer expenses paid off. She is anticipating extending her time at college a full year (instead of cramming 20+ hours a semester, she can take 12 hours, and complete it in 2 years), so that she can have 2 more years of ministering to her peers in a relational setting. She is now going to be an RA in a freshman dorm, in order to model a Christ-like attitude for them, and to build relationships with them. She is planning to lead a small group, and re-evaluating what truly being involved in Cru's campus movement means.
If that is not the work of the Holy Spirit capturing a vision to glorify God and make Christ known among those you are in everyday contact with, then I don't know what is.
I was blessed to be a part of her journey to this point, and am excited to see what our Adonai will start with her open hands, and her heart that says "Here I am Lord, send me"..
As for my funds, it seems that we broke even! YAY! Thanks to some last minute donors, I was able to cover all the expenses that I needed, and still be able to put gas in my car to make it home :)
I am exponentially grateful for those of you who gave through out the summer. It would not have been possible without your generosity, and for that I can not thank you enough. I pray I am a conduit of your "worth-ship" to our Father, a means for you to be blessed as you bless others with the gifts Abba has given you.
Soli Deo Gloria
"..not be spent on me in vain. Let this life be used for change.. I will go. I will go, Send me.."
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