Friday, June 29, 2012

FrienDay FriDay :D

Natalie trying to do the dishes,
while Cory decides he needs to wash his hands..

In honor of the upcoming holiday - my Friend Natalie's iced coffee caught my attention the other day. I bought these star shaped ice cube trays 1) cuz they were a dollar 2) I needed ice cube trays and 3) they were fun (stars are a fav shape and object of mine).. YAY for cool looking ice.. 

and YAY for a fun refreshing-breath-of-fresh-air FRIEND visiting..
and YAY for her sharing her boyfriend (Cory) with me all summer 
(cuz without him here to help with the interpreting needs, the whole thing would self destruct)

Hope your Friday is going well, Friend!

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

'Somebody call the WAMBULANCE"

My week's been a little hectic..

- 5 + last minute or impromptu meetings in the last 3 days, each lasting 1.5 to 2 hours each..
- my friend came in on Monday - she's here til next week  :D
- got an external hard drive for my computer and stared to transfer files so that the poor thing can have *some* available memory to operate on..

and that's just the things I can remember... all I know is that my days were filled from around 10am to 11pm (as were the other terps.. we was allll busy)

all that to say.. I'm gonna call this my "Wambulance Wednesday" post.. (HOPEFULLY it's NOT a weekly post..)
I know that I can prep for the blog posts ahead of time..
and I know that I excuses are like belly buttons - "everyone has them"..
and I'll try better next week! ;)

in honor of this post's name sake - Enjoy!

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, June 22, 2012

FrienDay FriDay :D

It's a WRAP.. :)

..walking down the street, I spotted a recycle bin (it's mandatory to recycle in New Jersey) that was overflowing with 6 rolls of Christmas wrapping paper.. Being a prankster and an opportunist, I swiped them out of the bin, and contemplated who I should "grace with the gift" ;)

Happy "friend" day for Cory and Peter.. 

No worries, they still love me :D

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday's Tidbits: "Lord Jesus, come lead us"

* The Golden Gates of Heaven were having a party the other night, as a Chinese International student joined the Father's Kingdom :D

* Last night, 4 students on Project learned that one of the Deaf students favorite color is RED.. without the interpreter present, this fun fact would most likely have been lost in the sea of gestures that tends to span the communication gap..

* Yesterday, I mentioned an article on Cru Press GREEN - as a follow up/fyi - all their information on line is free (and easy to DL).. if you are looking for some good reading material then check out:

* When coming up with a name sign for one of his roommates, a students' BLUE eyes were part of the collaborative discussion to decide the nick name.. *yay* for interpreters allowing the hearing students access to the Deaf community, while the 3 Deaf individuals conversed - Interpreters are here for the Hearing students as much as they are for the Deaf students :)

* my BLACK cat has been adjusting to her time here.. I may or maynot look 1/2 crazy when I walk her on a leash in the area surrounding my apt.. It's actually more like "I am attached to her as she goes on an adventure around the neighborhood".. but overall, she's doing well :)

Can you guess the theme?
Do you like theses Tibits?

Monday, June 18, 2012


Welcome to the last of my "intentional weekly entries": 
"Meditations and Musings for Mondays"

One of my cornerstone "go to phrases" is found in Psalms 19:14. 
"May the words of my mouth and the MEDITATIONS of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.." 
I like to think.. to ponder.. to meditate on things.. and my deepest desire is that as I mull over things that they be pleasing to my Creator. 

I also find it like seems people detest Mondays (especially in the work world).. I happen to like Mondays.. just like I enjoy Mornings, but that is neither here nor there.. So I thought it'd be nice to associate positive things with the beginning of our week :)

Thus - welcome to my inaugural "Mediations&Musings4Mondays" :)
*due to it's nature, it will be more ramble-y/long-winded than the other weekly entries.. My apologies before hand if it's too wordy..*

This has been the song that seems to play on repeat this last week:

"All I know is I'm not home yet.. This is not where I belong.." seems to resonate with me, especially when I find myself with many other people in close quarters. When schedules are pretty tight.. When things are both "established times" and "flexible".. When more of me is asked for than I want to give - As the saying goes "When your cup get's bumped, what spills out?" Lately I've noticed a selfish heart spilling out of mine :(

Here on Summer Project, the students are encouraged to read an article called The Music of the Gospel - (you'll have to open the PDF once you go to the site, but it's worth the read.) One of the two questions emphasized about your internal process as you read through the Bible should be "What does this (passage/scripture) reveal about my brokenness that needs to be given to Jesus to fix (since I, in my "good deeds", can't fix it)?" For me - 1) it's a good reminder to me that I am a selfish sinful human being that can only enter the throne room of the Father through the GRACE bestowed on me by his Son, Jesus Christ - cuz sometimes I can forget that I am sinful in need of a Savior.. and 2) It reminds me that I need to extend grace to others that aren't living up to my expectations - as it's not my expectations that should be the standard anyway ;) Embracing brokenness.. when you are a closet perfectionist.. is hard!

Also, the reminder of the fallen world in which we reside has been on my mind as of late. In recent weeks, an article was run in a few different publications - something that hit close to home - as it involved hard truths about people and places that my High School years revolved around. If you'd like the article, you can Google "Grace in Broken Arrow".. but suffice it to say, I have been reminded quite vividly that "in this world you will have troubles.." Many times things seem unfair, or heavy handed.. and when the brokenness of humanity is laid bare for all to see, it can be unsettling -especially, realizing the potential in me is the same.. sans for the GRACE (ironically) that only comes from Jesus Christ we are all the "wretch" that Paul refers to.. 

Thus, it's comforting to remember that "this is not where I belong.." It makes it easier for me to wade through the mess when I have perfection(Heaven) to look forward to :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

FrienDay FriDay :D

Friend-day Friday.. next entry on the "consistent weekly entries" that I'm going to try to maintain.. 

It seems like taking a picture and posting a short little quip about it is a popular thing to do on blogs now-a-days.. So why not join the fun? ;)

FrienDay FriDay is where I'll try to post a "new friend" that I meet, or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience that I would text a picture of to a good friend..  like this:

Even though I'm not a "beach person" I do enjoy running on the beach in the mornings.. However - this "lil friend" is definitely something you won't find on the running trails in Oklahoma ;)

Hope your Friday is filled with sightings of fun and random things :D

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday's Tidbits: "sometimes I think.. "

Welp - Summer Project WILDWOOD 2012 is in full swing.. 
and (ready for my list of excuses) since
- I don't have consistent wi-fi/internet access at my apt
- I am still trying to figure out a consistent schedule here on Project
- My computer decided it was FULL and started groaning (locking up/freezing) if I tried to do anything (I was able to dump videos here and there - but if you have an extra external-hard-drive floating around, let me know.. I can put it to good use!) ;)
I was not sure what to update about after putting it off for so long, thus I just kept putting it off longer.. 

BUT .. without further ado.. I'll introduce my *hopefully* weekly entry of 
"Tuesday's Tidbits".. I think if I have a consistent idea that I'm shooting for I'll be more likely to blog.. These "tidbit's" will most likely have a common theme.. I think.. we'll see :)

So, here's some "tidbits" for today :)

* Lauren (my wonderful youngest sister) and I road tripped out to New Jersey over 4 days (and 1,800 miles) during the 3rd week of May. She was studly-awesome and drove 22 hours total (from Oklahoma to Washington D.C) *THANKS Sista!* :D

*Thus far on project, we've had 5 Interpreters come out to help cover the needs of the 3 Deaf students.  * CORY, RICH, CRAIG, CARA* :)

* Funds for the Interpreting account are currently sitting at $10,000 .. I'm blown away by the Lords provision.. and looking forward to seeing who He'll bring to partner with me for the last $7,000 :)

*Those 5 interpreters have done about 111 hours of work (that's recorded time, folks, not all the side conversations here and there) over the past 2.5 weeks :)

Can you guess the theme?
Do you like theses Tibits?
Tune in soon for my next "consistent weekly entry".. I've yet to name it yet.. but, no worries, it'll be something as fun and quirky as "Tuesday's Tidbits" ;)

Soli Deo Gloria