Friday, June 15, 2012

FrienDay FriDay :D

Friend-day Friday.. next entry on the "consistent weekly entries" that I'm going to try to maintain.. 

It seems like taking a picture and posting a short little quip about it is a popular thing to do on blogs now-a-days.. So why not join the fun? ;)

FrienDay FriDay is where I'll try to post a "new friend" that I meet, or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience that I would text a picture of to a good friend..  like this:

Even though I'm not a "beach person" I do enjoy running on the beach in the mornings.. However - this "lil friend" is definitely something you won't find on the running trails in Oklahoma ;)

Hope your Friday is filled with sightings of fun and random things :D

Soli Deo Gloria


  1. We saw a dead squirrel tonight while running.
    I know, I know, you're impressed. You feel like ruining straight home to see our wondrous sites. :D
