Monday, June 18, 2012


Welcome to the last of my "intentional weekly entries": 
"Meditations and Musings for Mondays"

One of my cornerstone "go to phrases" is found in Psalms 19:14. 
"May the words of my mouth and the MEDITATIONS of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.." 
I like to think.. to ponder.. to meditate on things.. and my deepest desire is that as I mull over things that they be pleasing to my Creator. 

I also find it like seems people detest Mondays (especially in the work world).. I happen to like Mondays.. just like I enjoy Mornings, but that is neither here nor there.. So I thought it'd be nice to associate positive things with the beginning of our week :)

Thus - welcome to my inaugural "Mediations&Musings4Mondays" :)
*due to it's nature, it will be more ramble-y/long-winded than the other weekly entries.. My apologies before hand if it's too wordy..*

This has been the song that seems to play on repeat this last week:

"All I know is I'm not home yet.. This is not where I belong.." seems to resonate with me, especially when I find myself with many other people in close quarters. When schedules are pretty tight.. When things are both "established times" and "flexible".. When more of me is asked for than I want to give - As the saying goes "When your cup get's bumped, what spills out?" Lately I've noticed a selfish heart spilling out of mine :(

Here on Summer Project, the students are encouraged to read an article called The Music of the Gospel - (you'll have to open the PDF once you go to the site, but it's worth the read.) One of the two questions emphasized about your internal process as you read through the Bible should be "What does this (passage/scripture) reveal about my brokenness that needs to be given to Jesus to fix (since I, in my "good deeds", can't fix it)?" For me - 1) it's a good reminder to me that I am a selfish sinful human being that can only enter the throne room of the Father through the GRACE bestowed on me by his Son, Jesus Christ - cuz sometimes I can forget that I am sinful in need of a Savior.. and 2) It reminds me that I need to extend grace to others that aren't living up to my expectations - as it's not my expectations that should be the standard anyway ;) Embracing brokenness.. when you are a closet perfectionist.. is hard!

Also, the reminder of the fallen world in which we reside has been on my mind as of late. In recent weeks, an article was run in a few different publications - something that hit close to home - as it involved hard truths about people and places that my High School years revolved around. If you'd like the article, you can Google "Grace in Broken Arrow".. but suffice it to say, I have been reminded quite vividly that "in this world you will have troubles.." Many times things seem unfair, or heavy handed.. and when the brokenness of humanity is laid bare for all to see, it can be unsettling -especially, realizing the potential in me is the same.. sans for the GRACE (ironically) that only comes from Jesus Christ we are all the "wretch" that Paul refers to.. 

Thus, it's comforting to remember that "this is not where I belong.." It makes it easier for me to wade through the mess when I have perfection(Heaven) to look forward to :)

1 comment:

  1. 'Tis messy... But there are glimpses of perfection to be seen every once in a little presents or crumbs to lead us home.

    We'll have to talk about that article when you get home...
