Saturday, November 8, 2014

"Tasted and Seen.. a transition"

I'm not sure how many of you check out my posts on the blog, as they can easily be viewed in your email inbox - but if you DO look at the website, you might have noticed I did some updating to the title and overall look. If you are very attentive to detail, you might have even noticed that the email that was sent yesterday was Posted by 'Tasted and Seen', not 'The New Jersey Journals'.. But it's at the footnote of the email, so I don't expect you to have seen it. ;)

In thinking about the current part-time position that I find myself in with Cru, I felt like "The New Jersey Journals" no longer fit the purpose of my correspondence. Up until this point, the goal has been to get Deaf students to attend the Wildwood Summer Project, as that was the only option for accessibility for the Deaf students at the time. Now that I am officially with Cru, though, the goal is to eventually broaden those horizons to open up more 'Deaf friendly Summer Projects' as well as allow Deaf students to attend any other events Cru provides - be it Fall or Spring break trips, Winter Conferences, or weekly meetings on their campuses. 

Thus, "New Jersey" in the title of the blog might become confusing over time. As I was thinking about what to rename the blog, I chose "Tasted and Seen" for a few reasons. Mainly, at the root of this endeavor, was the first of many times along this journey that I would be in need of     [x-y-z]     and my Abba-Father would provide specifically for that need. I go into more details on the "A Journey of a Thousand Miles" tab at the top, but suffice it to say that for a good while the password to my computer had a mixture of "tasted and seen" in it as a reminder to me that even when a situation seems beyond my grasp of making it happen, God is in the business of working out the "impossible". Once I tasted of His networking of resources (which you, if you have supported me financially or prayerfully in the past were part of that pprocess - so thanks!) and had seen His goodness at providing for my needs, my trust in Him increased. As my trust in Him increased, He allowed me to taste and see more of Him as the needs continued to grow for subsequent Summer Projects.

So, without further ado, welcome to my refurbished blog. I'll maintain the same themed posts, "Monday's", "Wednesday's", "Thursday's" and "Friday's". But -hopefully in the near future- I'll include updates, not only about Wildwood, but also about other summer projects and Cru sponsored events.

I'll leave you with this quote:

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

May the same be true of us - that as we have 'tasted heaven's goodness', that we would continue to look to God as our provider, knowing that in His presence is 'where we have been and where we should always long to return'.

Continuing to search for more to TASTE and SEE!   ..join me?

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, November 7, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "friend" that I run into, 
or a image that is definitive of the my experience with Cru
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

So far, Jaelyn's my first co-worker at my "new part-time position" with Cru. She likes to eat, sleep and play while Momma tries to get some things accomplished ;)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to team with me, and prayer partners/a financial support base to send me out. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
HappeningsNo news is good news - right? Sorry to be absent from updating for the past month or so. I have been hard working to get acquainted with the new database/system that Cru uses for their employees. I finally was able to categorize all the information in the system to fit my current needs, and now I'm ready to continue raising the support that I need for the part-time position. Jaelyn has also begun taking more regular naps, allowing me to spend some time working - if I'm not napping too, that is. ;) Breastfeeding takes a lot of energy! :)

Schedule: My current "assignment" is to find a team of supporters to partner with me for prayer and financial support for my foreseeable future with Cru.. If you are reading this, you are already supporting me (since this functions as my "newsletter"/ regular way of updating my supporters) or have probably supported me in the past. For those who are already on board - THANKS! In the case of the latter, I will be contacting you via email or text message or phone call to see when would be a good time to set up a meeting with you to see if you would like to join either of those teams with me. :)

Financesthe site is ready! (with a new picture) If you desire to continue partnering with me monthly, my personal account is #0865449. I now have a bio page set up on the Cru site with a link to my blog, and easy giving accessibility. Check it out here. :)

Thanks for stewarding your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to team with me, and prayer partners/a financial support base to send me out. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
HappeningsNow that Jaelyn has made her debut, I'm back in the swing of things. Summer Project applications don't open until November which gives me some time to finish raising support. I will be also be in planning mode until then, working with the fall conference and event planing teams, and networking with supporters and interpreters. No specifics as of yet, but I'll probably make one trip up to the Northeast in the fall.. I'll let you know details when I figure it out :)

Schedule: My current "assignment" is to find a team of supporters to partner with me for prayer and financial support for my foreseeable future with Cru.. If you are reading this, you have probably supported me in the past, and I will be contacting you all via email or text message or phone call to see when would be a good time to set up a meeting with you to see if you would like to join that team with me. :)

Finances: My account number has now changed, and the site is ready! If you have giving set up directly to the old account (#2870830) and desire to continue partnering with me monthly, I can get you the information to switch over to my personal account (#0865449.) I now have a bio page set up on the Cru site with a link to my blog, and easy giving accessibility. Check it out here. :)

Thanks for stewarding your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, August 8, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "friend" that I run into, 
or a image that is definitive of the my experience with Cru
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

Sorry it's taken me so long to get this update out to y'all! No internet at home, and the new routine of "eat, sleep, repeat" for mommy and baby derailed my plans for a "next day announcement". I apologize. So, without further adieu, meet Jaelyn (who graced us with her presence in the dark Sunday morning hours at 5:36am) More details to come in a later post, but for now, enjoy some bonus pictures of her :)

Monday, July 28, 2014


Monday's postings are longer, more in-depth thoughts or stories that I feel the need to share. If you don't have time to read this now, you can look at the cliff notes versions that come out in my "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" posts. When you have the time, please feel encouraged by the stories God is telling, and musings that he brings to my mind. 
Anticipation..  :)

It's a funny thing when you think you are 41.5 weeks pregnant, and find out that you are, in fact, only 38.5 weeks pregnant. If you have been following my pregnancy at all, you know that it started out with Mono (more specifically "mono-induced-hepatitis"). The reason we found out I was pregnant so early (we found out at 3 weeks gestation) was because I became jaundiced (read: turned yellow) and had to go to the ER/be admitted to the hospital overnight for monitoring as my liver was close to giving out. It took them a while to figure out what was causing my liver to not function appropriately as the strain of mono that I caught did not present itself in the usually diagnosed way. They drew 4 tubes of blood from me.. twice.. And on a whim tested for mono..

However, the pregnancy test (which I didn't ask to be done, it is standard protocol in the ER to give to any woman of child bearing age) was much simpler:
Urine analysis states - [pregnant: YES or no ]
Then the blood test gives a number. And that number corresponds with an estimated number of weeks that baby has been growing inside you.

Unbeknownst to me though, when counting the expected time of a pregnancy, the standard way is to begin from the first date of the woman's most recent menstrual cycle. I didn't think to question my midwife when she set my due date basing it off my cycle and not the blood test.. Nor did I realize that a variance of time was even an option.. 

Fast forward to last week, and I am nearing a week past my due date. At 41.5 weeks our midwife has all her "late babies" get an ultrasound to make sure things are still ok for baby to "keep cooking". My measurements were on the small side and caused her to do some double checking. After reviewing my chart and asking lots of questions, we determined that due to the mono (or possibly just me, but I have no prior pregnancy experiences to compare) it seems I ovulated later than "normal", meaning baby is a week to a week and a half younger than anticipated.. So, while we originally thought we'd meet baby the third week of July, we actually should not expect baby till the first week of August.. Information that, while not a bad thing, is.. weird? disappointing? .. to find out I'm only 38.5 weeks, when I've been thinking I'm at 42 weeks all along is course altering to say the least..

In light of this, there are two things on my mind as of late..

First, Azael and I have chosen to use a midwife and have a home birth for our baby's delivery. I won't go into all the reasons here, but the primary one is that I don't like being the patient in a hospital, and feel more comfortable at home with fewer people. Should complications arise, the midwife will transfer me to a local hospital, but we are planning to meet baby at home. Using a midwife also means we are going the "old school route" - no routine ultrasounds, no gender reveal party (cuz we don't know if baby is a boy or a girl), no "pre-named" baby announcements. These things seem so counter cultural now in a time when all of these and more can be found out about baby in utero - which has made the story of Mary and Jesus resonate a lil deeper with me. To know that she was having a boy (long before ultrasounds were routine) and he came "pre-named" must have been interesting for Mary.. as I find myself humored by all the predictions people feel the need to make when I tell them "I don't know what baby is, we will be surprised". Because of this, I see Mary's trust in the angel's message in a new light. For Mary, the confirmation she felt when she delivered a boy, I'm sure, was one of the things she "pondered in her heart.." I also realize the staggering number of options we have now in child birth compared to the limited-and often-complicated experiences of women over the course of history. I wonder if Mary feared losing her life in childbirth - something that is so rare here in America, we don't often think about it.

Second, in the Deaf youth group that Azael and I work with we have been memorizing 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. The famous "love chapter".. 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
And I'm finding that no matter how long I've been walking with Jesus, it's always those "back to the basics" that we have to master over and over in different settings..

Lets rewind back to November and Mono and "newly pregnant" for a bit. Many people told me "during the first trimester you'll be really tired".. but it was more than that. For the first 7 months of my pregnancy, I felt like I was in a mental fog. Thinking complete thoughts was difficult and engaging in everyday conversation took maximum effort. While I understand growing a lil human can make you tired, I had no energy at all. I jokingly told Azael, "if this is pregnancy, then we are adopting *all* the rest of our kids". Honestly though, trying to find patience for the baby to grow and my body to fight mono was very difficult. Every one's body fights mono at a different pace, and it seems mine took a full 7 months to get over it. While I would tell people I was looking forwards to meeting baby, I found myself very impatient and just wanting the baby "out" in hopes to speed along getting mono out of my system. I typically struggle in the process of growth, and this "opportunity" seemed like a double whammy. :(

I have also had to make adjustments to my diet. With my liver still being on the mend, it wasn't functioning as quickly as before. I began to have swelling 4 months into pregnancy. I had to cut out the majority of carbs in my diet, and if you know me, my dietary sustenance IS carbs.. Selfishly, I just want a pretzel with cheese sauce, or a deep dish pizza or waffles for breakfast.. But for the past 5 months, it's been chicken and beans and peanut butter (and a small variety of high protein, low carb things). I would not describe myself as adventurous when it comes to food.. nor am I a "foodie" as I prefer simple mixtures of food over complicated flavors and textures. "Dying to self" and eating this restricted diet has been quite the challenge for me. It has been especially trying to keep a positive attitude through it all and not be envious of other pregnant ladies who can eat whatever they want without compromising their health..

Around the last week of April, the fog lifted and I was able to experience "oh, THIS is pregnancy for me". Trying to just tolerate the first 7 months left me playing catch up to try to enjoy the 3 months I had left.. I've still been tired, but I've been able to hold a conversation with others and even have energy left over :) However, with my improved outlook comes the realization of how much dread I had during the first 7 months of growing this tiny human.. The challenge for "rejoicing always" evaded me often during that time.

The anticipation of meeting baby, coupled with the unknown expectations of exactly when baby will come, have left me trying to be as patient as possible while still preparing what I can for baby's impending arrival. It's a timid dance of "all ready but not yet". The latest news though, brings me to feeling like "I'm gonna be pregnant forever!" As I've neared the end of my pregnancy most women have sympathized that it's those last weeks that are the hardest. So, again, I find myself asking for patience and hope, not cynicism and dread.

In closing, I feel the Lord reminding me "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.." Even though I mentally feel like I've been pregnant for 42+ weeks, my prayer is that I finish this season well.. That I don't become weary, and that I choose patience, joy and hope in these "last days" before we meet baby outside the womb!

A picture post of baby will be next.. But I make no promises/predictions on when that will be.. As long time supporter and family friend, Sarah Perkins commented other day, "no one told the baby their due date.." 

Soli Deo Gloria

Thursday, July 24, 2014

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

(YES, I know I juuuuuust sent out [what]S'up, Wednesday?", but I found these numbers fun.. so here's another update.. hopefully the next update has a PICTURE and a NAME of BABY BU!)

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)

It's now July.. meaning I am months pregnant.

Wildwood Summer Project will conclude in weeks. 
(so weird to have missed this whole summer!)

This week, I am 41  weeks pregnant.

I have emailed 14 you from my new email address. I still have over 39 to update/contact from my new email address!

Today, I am 287  days pregnant (give or take a few days).

As of right now, I am around 7 % complete in reaching my support goal.

Did I mention, I am 41  weeks pregnant? I can still clip my own toe nails though.. ;)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Typically babies "cook" in-utero 37 to 41 weeks.. well, it's 41 weeks, so we are hoping to meet Baby Bu any day :)

Once Baby comes, I will most likely take 3 weeks "off" from trying to meet up with past and present supporters. However, starting late August/early September, I will continue setting up appointments with ya'll in order to reach my goal for my monthly support. I am still in the process of changing over to a new email address with Cru, so please add my email to your "safe list" as I have had a few of my intended recipients find me in their SPAM folders :)

Schedule: Like I mentioned above, my current "assignment" is to find a team of supporters to partner with me for prayer and financial support for my foreseeable future with Cru.. However, given the circumstances of baby's impending arrival, I don't have a set timeline to complete my goal. I'm hoping to finish the support raising process sooner rather than later, but I don't have a hard and fast deadline. 

Finances: My account number has now changed, and the site is ready! If you have giving set up directly to the old account (#2870830) and desire to continue partnering with me monthly, I can get you the information to switch over to my personal account (#0865449.) I now have a bio page set up on the Cru site with a link to my blog, and easy giving accessibility. Check it out here!

I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Thursday, June 12, 2014

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)


Today will be my 91st  post.
And my 3rd year of maintaining this blog.

Today is the 12th day of Wildwood Summer Project 2014. It's weird not being there, but also feels good to be home!

I am 33 weeks along with Baby BúPerry. 
Anywhere from 3 to weeks till we meet BABY Bú

We have considered roughly 349 names.. however, no, we have not settled on 1 boy or girl name yet.. ;)

Tomorrow, I will go take my 4/5 level certification test (required to continue interpreting in the state of Oklahoma.) I am currently a 4/4.. but it expires in August.. if I get a 5/5 score, I don't have to take it again (as it's good for life given I keep up the yearly required Continuing Education Units) :) 

Soli Deo Gloira

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: It's definitely weird not being in New Jersey this summer. Azael and I keep finding ourselves commenting "it's June 1st.. Project starts today.. we're not there.." .. "Today is the 3rd day of Project.. typically we'd be watching the sun-rise over the ocean.." .. "Oklahoma is pretty far from an ocean and beach.."

We are preparing for Baby's arrival mid-July, though. I am finally "nesting" - rearranging our house, and getting the supplies necessary for our planned home birth :) It's good to be home for now! :)

I have also met and talked with my new "MPD Coach". MPD stands for Ministry Partner Development and is the Cru term for "Support team". I have my goal for my monthly support, and am in the process of changing over to a new email address with Cru. I'll be emailing ya'll from that email address shortly to try to keep everything organized :)

Schedule: My current "assignment" is to find a team of supporters to partner with me for prayer and financial support for my foreseeable future with Cru.. However, given the circumstances of baby's impending arrival, I don't have a set timeline to complete my goal. I'm hoping to finish the support raising process sooner rather than later, but I don't have a hard and fast deadline. 

Finances: My account number has now changed, and the site is ready! If you have giving set up directly to the old account (#2870830) and desire to continue partnering with me monthly, I can get you the information to switch over to my personal account (#0865449.) Like I said, I'll be following up soon with my current supporters to see if they want to switch their giving from the General Interpreter Fund to my Personal Account - however if you are chomping at the bit to change over, reply to this email and I'll get that info to you promptly :)
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, May 16, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "friend" that I run into, 
or a image that is definitive of the my experience with Cru
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

While I'm out of town at the training for my new position with Cru, my husband texted me this picture. YAY for running into Friends while out for frozen yogurt! :)
It's always great to run into people you know - esp. long time friends like this couple. They've been family friends since I was 3 (?) and ministry partner supporters since 2003. THANKS so much, Friends, for your partnership in fulfilling the Great Commission in all aspects of life :)

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: I'm still getting use to the "official-ness" of the part time position with Cru. After being autonomous for the most part of the last 4 years, I'm trying to get in the swing of keeping my new supervisors in the loop. We currently don't have internet at home - as a way to limit time spent-er, uh, wasted on-line while we're prepping for Baby! ;) We go to the library right around the corner for inter-webs, but that makes responding to emails, keeping track of the Cru requirements, and beginning the support process a lil more limited. :)

I also want to restate - in case you missed it in the last post - I will not be going to Wildwood to interpret this summer. By God's providence, no Deaf students were interested/able to attend this summer. I see this "pause-year" as a beneficial time to regroup and make plans toward something more sustainable for the coming years. << Baby coming in July also is a good reason to "pause" and stay home ;) >>

Schedule: I experienced my very first tear-filled departure from the airport on Monday evening (I'm blaming the prego-hormones). Now, I'm in Orlando attending a "New Staff training" that Cru provides to all their new hires. I'm learning how to use their financial system as well as some best practices to connect donors to my ministry and the interpreter ministry. For those of you who have indicated a desire to join my monthly support team, I'll be following up with you soon :) The training ends on Saturday, and then I will visit with my grandparents (mom's mom) for a day, and head back to T-town on Sunday :) You might think that after being away from my husband for 5 weeks back in January, that 5 days wouldn't be so bad - but Sunday can't come soon enough!

Finances: My account number has now changed, and the site is ready! If you have giving set up directly to the old account (#2870830) it will automatically be redirected to the new account as I'll be responsible for my personal support as well as the interpreter accounts. However, my account number will now be #0865449
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Lots of paperwork type things on my end have been my main focus as of late. Now that I'm officially in a part-time capacity with Cru, I have to maintain a more official paperwork trail as well! hahahah :)

Also, I should note, that this summer, I will not be going to Wildwood to interpret. By God's providence, there were no Deaf students interested/able to attend this summer. From all my recruiting back in January, it seems good contacts were made, but - for whatever reason - no one was able to commit to project. I see it as both a good and sad thing. After spending my summers in Wildwood, New Jersey for the past 4 years, it is weird not to be packing things up and heading out there again this year. However, I see this "pause-year" as a beneficial time to regroup and make plans toward something more sustainable for the coming years. 
<< Baby coming in July also is a good reason to "pause" and stay home ;) >>
 In future posts I'll outline some of the things that I'll be working on this summer while I'm not coordinating/interpreting at Summer Project :)

Schedule: May 13th thru May 18th I'll be in Orlando, Florida to attend a "New Staff training" that Cru provides to all their new hires. I'll be learning how to use their financial system as well as the best way to connect donors to my ministry and the interpreter ministry. By the Grace of God, I've actually had a pretty good week when it comes to "pregnant me". I'm hoping that this trend continues as I make my way down to Florida and back :)

Finances: The account for my personal support will be up and running soon. I'll send out an update once the site is live :)
We are also in the process of switching over the previous account that I used for the past years. So if you want to make a donation now, you can make it to the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund. This fund will be under my name soon, as I'll be responsible for those transactions:
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: If you missed it, Azael and I were in the Tulsa paper! Hopefully, you can view the article here.. If not, try looking up the Tulsa World Religion section, and scroll down to the "Tulsa couple work to reach deaf college students with Cru ministry" title. (hopefully one of those links work!) :)

Also, as of April 9th, I have been hired to work part-time with Cru! YAY! I'm still getting all the nitty-gritty details worked out, but soon I should have my account number and my target amount to begin the process of raising monthly support. If you are interested in joining my monthly support team, please email me! I will be following up with my past and present supporters as soon as I get the account number for my new part-time position.

Schedule: Plans are not yet finalized, but my supervisors would like me to attend a training in Florida to better understand the software used for all of Cru's documentation and payroll purposes. The training is in May.. or in September. They would prefer I go sooner than later, but understand that baby (in the womb, or out of the womb - depending on when I can go) may complicate things. I'll keep you updated on what pans out. 

Finances: Now that I've raised the initial $5,000 in one time gifts, I will begin looking for monthly partners who will commit to support me financially and prayerfully each month. Of course, I am always taking one-time gifts too, for both my personal part-time account, and the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund.

My personal account is not yet "live". (will update when it is) :)
The Wildwood Interpreter account is already set up for online giving, though. That can be done here: 

I appreciate your generous stewardship and your companionship on this journey! 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: My 5 week tour of the North East has come to a close. After 2 gate changes and an hour and a half delay, we made it back to Tulsa early Monday morning (yes, we left Sunday afternoon) ;) Tulsa Public Schools observes Presidents Day, giving Azael the day off. We took advantage of this "down day" to catch up on sleep. It is good to be home, but I miss the snow!
While in CT for our friends wedding, I finally had time to sit down with one of my interpreters from last summer (a very business minded friend) and talk details of this upcoming summer. There are obviously going to be some changes, since Baby BúPerry plans to come mid-July, and my terp friend, "Linsk", was able to give some valuable insight in to how that might happen. :) Really, there are many "iron's in the fire" at this point, and it's hard to tell which things will be ready first. I'm looking forward to what this summer has in store :)

Schedule: Now that I am home, I will start follow-ups with Deaf students, Interpreters and supporters. If you know of anyone who would be interested to support this ministry, please pass on my information, or contact me with their information :)

Finances I have received $1,300 towards the $5,000 I need to initially raise to begin my support raising journey for my part time staff position. If you would like to give a one-time gift towards this amount, please contact me so I can get you my address. You will need to send it in check form, as the account has not yet been set up for online donations. 

I am also still raising funds for Wildwood. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund please do so here:
I appreciate your generous stewardship. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Tonight, after my friend Cara (my current host) and I meet up for dinner with the Pastor of the Deaf church in NJ, I will share at the Deaf Church's Wednesday night mtg about Wildwood Summer Project. The church is 40 mins from where my friend lives, and it's suppose to snow late tonight, so I'm hoping we can complete all our travels before the weather starts dropping white things from the sky! :) I'm in the home stretch of the trip. It's been good so far, but I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule :)

Schedule:FEB 8 - FEB 13 - On the New Jersey side of NYC, giving 
                                               presentations at Churches abt ASL WWSP 
                                               Interpreter Fund
                 FEB 14 - FEB 15 - At my friend (fellow interpreter at WWSP 
                                                for the last few years) Cory and Natalie's 
                                                 wedding in Connecticut. :)
                FEB 16 - FLY HOME! :D

Finances I have received $500 towards the $5,000 I need to raise to begin my support raising journey for my part time staff position. If you would like to give a one-time gift towards this amount, please contact me so I can get you my address. You will need to send it in check form, as the account has not yet been set up for online donations. 

I am also still raising funds for Wildwood. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund please do so here:
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Saturday, February 8, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

During my time here at Valley Forge Christian College, I've had the opportunity to meet new friends, catch up with Kinna (former WWSP student) and observe some of the classes in the Deaf Pastoral Studies Major. :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)

I've been on this recruiting trip 4 weeks
In those 28 days, I've:
traveled on foot for 8.3 miles 
ridden in a car for 727 miles 
taken Public Transportation for 67.3 miles 
flown high in the sky for 1438 miles

I have been the recipient of 6 wonderful "bed and breakfast" hospitality from friends, new and old.
I've consumed 26 "free to me" meals, thanks to generous friends along the way :)

I have met:
10 Deaf students interested in Summer Project
4 Individuals interested in joining the Interpreting team
2 Churches willing to consider monthly support 

I am 15 weeks along with Baby BúPerry. 
I get to see my husband again in 7 days! 

I'll be home in 11 days. :D

Soli Deo Gloira

Friday, January 31, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

Reunions of friends from William Woods University are always fun! Talia and Ashley are part of my mainstay of friends to visit in D.C. and both are graduates of the WWU Interpreting program (Talia a year before me, and Ashley 2 years behind me). It's always fun to see where God has taken us year to year. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


Monday's postings are longer, more in-depth thoughts or stories that I feel the need to share. If you don't have time to read this now, you can look at the cliff notes versions that come out in my "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" posts. When you have the time, please feel encouraged by the stories God is telling, and musings that he brings to my mind. 
Noticing the Fingerprints of Abba on my journey in the Northeast so far..

I briefly mentioned last week that my travels up to the northeast, and subsequent month-long-stay all came together in a 3 day period. Honestly, I had second, and third and even fourth thoughts about a 5 week trip coming together in less than 48 hours - BUT - when I look back on the many journey's I've taken to get to this point, I see a very distinct pattern of God's guidance being in the "whispers" of "a voice behind [me] saying "this is the way, walk in it".." In the first week of January, I was feeling quite lousy - due to constant morning sickness, and a wicked-nasty aftertaste in my mouth that seemed never ending. While Azael and I prayed together on Saturday for our families, friends and upcoming trip to New Jersey for a friends wedding, we both has this sense of "what if.. I (Jenna) stayed until our other friends wedding on February 15th".. 
We tossed around the idea, but that was it.. I continued to ponder it throughout the day, and by Sunday, I was again bringing up the topic of an extended stay in the Northeast.. On Monday, we decided that I would begin by facebook messaging/emailing/texting my friends/contacts I have up there.. and by Tuesday evening the details had mostly fallen into place - transportation from place to place accounted for and a place to sleep at each location.. Not many details nailed down other than those, but it was enough of a nudge for God to point me in "the way, walk in it", so I started packing (who packs for a 5 week trip in 1.5 days? this crazy girl!) and trying not to stress about the last minute notice. We were also able to squeeze in seeing our Mid-wife on Tuesday evening, allowing us to get some input about traveling while pregnant, a list of supplements to help maintain healthy "baby growing", and to hear baby's heartbeat for the first time. :) 
It's hard to explain the peace that comes in the storm though - unless you have previously experienced the seemingly unnatural comfort that Abba gives - it sounds contradictory.. However, in the midst of all that I was trying to prep for my month long absence, there was a quite that covered my heart, knowing that this was the right thing to do at this point in time. So, on Thursday, January 9th, off we flew..

After our friends wedding, I had wanted to go straight to Albany where the Epicenter conference would be held over the MLK long-weekend. The plans that were able to solidify though took me to Rochester for the four days between the wedding and the conference. I didn't mind the time to catch up with my friend as we made the 6 hour road trip through PA to Upstate New York. It was good to see a hospitable Christian couple who has housed me in my previous visits to Rochester. Overall, though, I was wondering why I was in Rochester for these 4 days, since the semester didn't start for another 2 weeks (and no students were on campus). Unbeknownst to me, a student that had been on Project before happened to be in town early, waiting for her semester job to start. Azael connected the dots from a previous conversation with another one of our friends, and I shot her a text message seeing what she was doing. Her day was free, and we were able to meet up. God often causes me to chuckle at the way he coordinates our schedules even before we know what we need. :) What I thought would be a quick lunch chat turned into a 4 hour conversation of much needed authenticity and restoration. If the only reason for my four days in Rochester was to have a four hour conversation with this student, then I'm glad I went.. 

Interpreting at Epicenter was a good experience, but being able to get to chat with many of the "powers that be" in the Cru campus ministries was also very necessary to moving forward with my part-time position. It was also beneficial in aligning myself and the Hands of Fire (Deaf Cru) Staff of the movement on RIT's campus toward the same goal. The conference schedule proved to be packed full and quite busy, but I left feeling refreshed and with a vision to move forward in the mission of equipping Deaf students to reach other Deaf students with the Gospel. :)

After the conference, I was suppose to fly to Baltimore, and then make my way to D.C. through the public transportation system; however, I got a text message from Southwest the night before telling me that "inclement weather had cancelled my 3:20pm flight." Bummer.. The message added that I could go online and reschedule without any additional costs. The only time available was the 6AM flight out.. Bummer again :( I had been looking forward to sleeping in after my busy weekend of interpreting.. This also meant that I wasn't sure how I would get to DC, since the snow complicated the whole trip. However, in God's networking fashion, my plans were about to all work out :) A student who had been on Summer Project in 2010 (and Azael's roommate) had moved out to Baltimore 2 weeks ago for an internship. The only reason we knew this was that Azael forgot to sign out of Skype the day before, and this friend of ours, Nick, seeing Azael on-line, started chatting with him. In their time catching up, Nick mentioned his recent move. Coincidence? I think not. 
The world was about to get smaller though (as the Cru world often does). Nick was attending a church that a friend back in Indiana recommended. Nick met Larry at this church. Larry works with Cru's Epic movement. Larry has a fiancee named VanKim. VanKim was working from home (due to the "inclement weather" that messed up my flight schedule), so I could stay with VanKim -even spend the night- so that I didn't get stuck in the snow storm due to inconsistent Public transportation that day. WOW - Yay God! :) Again, he provided before I even knew I needed it. :)

So, at 6AM the airport was buzzing with people, since all afternoon flights had been cancelled, and due to my pregnant self lugging all my bags with me I was the last person on my flight. :( (but my flight neighbor on the plane taught me how to play canasta on her iPad, so that was fun.) Once in the Baltimore airport, I cumbersomely shoved allll my bags down a loooooooong corridor (from door 5 to door 19) to the lite-rail so I could meet up with my friend, Nick. Imagine boarding a charter bus with 2 large roller bags, 2 backpacks and a lunch cooler.. It takes a couple of trips up and down all those steps! I was so blessed by all the individuals that helped me at each location to load and unload my stuff (many times throwing my remaining bags out the 30 second window of "door closing now, step back, door closing" time that I had to exit with all my belongings). I know people say that "Baltimore is *rough*", but on this day, my Heavenly Father, seeing that my 3 days of packing for 5 weeks had produced a lil over-packing, had only grace to give me. Through the course of all my public transportation, no less than 7 strangers helped me to either load or unload my things from the bus, the train or the elevator without asking for anything in return. I wish I had gotten to ask their names, but it all happened so fast in each instance, and then they were gone.. All I can do is make a public record of thanksgiving to my Abba for his provision of help when I needed it. ANNND right as we got to VanKim's place, the snow began to fall, so we didn't have to fight the weather on top of all of that. :D 

On Wednesday, I made my way down to D.C. and was able to stay the evening with a "new friend" that I made last summer on the way home from project. She is as hospitable as they come, and seems to be a kindred spirit when it comes to Deaf ministry and the Christian life. It was good to get to know her a little more. I look forward to seeing how this friendship will span time, and always feel refreshed after talking with her. Around this time, mid-week too, I began to feel better! No more nausea 24/7! I still feel sick to my stomach during the day, but I'll take feeling sick occasionally over all.the.time! ;) I've been sleeping better, and generally have more energy too - yay for surviving the first trimester! :D

Sunday, I was scheduled to present a Deaf church an hour outside of D.C. Initially, my friend was going to join me and she has access to a car, so I was not concerned about the drive. Then her schedule changed and she was no longer able to come. So I began to look into public transportation, and the hour car ride turned into over a 3 hour trip :( As I continued looking at options, a taxi would cost close to $100 on-way, and a rental car - though cheap - would take me 45mins on the metro to get to the rental car place. The timing would cut it close, as the metro doesn't open til 7am on Sundays and I needed to be leaving DC by 8am. That left little time for me to actually find the rental car place once I got to the airport.. Complications! After spending some time asking God how I was suppose to get to the church, and talking with my husband about options, a solution presented itself that wasn't even on my radar. A friend offered to let me use their personal car for the whole day! I felt so blessed to not have to fight public transportation and not have to spend extra money that wasn't necessary. :)

The crazy thing is this is only 2 weeks into my trip.. I'm interested to see what the next 3 weeks hold!