First off, I'll be doing a new approach to my updates, as I've gotten some good feedback from many of you. I've learned I'm not "pithy" enough ;) and that, if I could give more "cliff notes" versions, ya'll would be more inclined to read it.. So, I'll start with bullet points at the top of each update that are succinct and hopefully clickable. It'll look like this..
** Cool thing happening in Baltimore! Check out this link for more details.. ( Links in ASL and English)
** Remember that 90's commercial with Bob "WeHadABaby-ItsABoy".. ? (Link in Spoken English and written transcript)
** Matching Grant expires tonight - every little bit helps!
(I'm trying to figure out how to code so that the bullet point will take you down to that part of the update if you are one of the people who said you still like to get the "meat of the story". For now, you'll have to scroll down to the corresponding headline.)
Right now, students are gathered for Cru's annual Winter Conference in places like Indy, Denver and Atlanta. However, if you clicked the link for Baltimore's conference Live Stream you will see that they are the only one offering the main session with an ASL Interpreter! This is the second year for the conference to offer the Interpreter on a live stream feed, and the staff has been great to work with us. I'm so grateful for their willingness to help us reach the Deaf community with this solid and refreshing content about God's character. Our hope is to expand this to more conferences next year. If you've got a few minutes, check out the video archives! :)
(Second New thing - BABY!)
He was around 41.5 weeks, "a week late" by medical standards, but when he decided to come it was a fast and furious hour and a half labor. Daddy caught him, the midwives didn't make it in time! As soon as we shared with family and close friends the replies came back - "what's the story behind his name"?? Like with Jaelyn, it took us over two days to decide for sure what his name would be. I always tell people, "It's so hard for me to name a human! It's not like a cat that I can change their name later if I don't like it." ;)
For Azael and I, the names of our children provide an opportunity for us to create an Ebenezer. We want to honor the Lord in the names we choose for our kids, and allow them to be constant and visual reminders for us of where He has brought us on this journey called Life.
When you look up Kaspien (pronounced like Caspian) on baby name websites, they will say, "We don't know what this name means, can you help us out?" So I guess we get to decide what it means. :) It's counter part Caspian - as in the Caspian sea - is near where Azael and I went on a Vision Trip with Cru this past May. God used that trip to stretch us in good ways, so part of the name comes from a reminder of our time there. The spelling of Kaspien includes "aspen" - as in the trees. Aspen trees grow in a communal root system. Azael and I have been in search of "community" since we married, not really finding a thriving place to root ourselves. Our move to Iowa has been a bountiful place to bloom, and connect deeply with like-minded SIGNING (Deaf and Hearing) couples and it's been a breath of fresh air for us. So, to us, Kaspien means "Finding home, settling where community thrives."
When Azael was offered the opportunity to work in Iowa on the ASLV Bible Translation team, we had only been in California 2 weeks and were quite unsure if we should pick up and move again. The name Adoniram kept coming to mind for me, and I found it odd (since we didn't know if Baby was a boy or a girl). I knew of Adoniram Judson from reading about missionaries when I was younger, but I didn't fully remember his story so I googled him. Adoniram Judson lived in the 1800's, and his main work in Burma was Bible translation. Azael and I felt confident that this was God confirming for us to yet again pack up and move, this time to Iowa. We chose to keep the 'a' in Adonai - the name of the Lord in Hebrew, and were also blessed by the opportunity to honor Azael's mom in the process with her name 'Dona' being included in the spelling of Adonairam.
So, that's the story behind his name..
I'm trying to make the transition from the event based budget I've had in the previous years to a continuous operating budget starting in 2017. In order to make that transition, I need to end this year well and start next year strong. Thank you to everyone who has already given. Thank you also for your consideration to steward your resources well! If you've not yet given, click this link for secured online giving. Thanks for your continued support!
May the new year find us doing more kingdom work than before!
Thanks for sharing the story behind his name! Love it -
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ReplyDeleteLove this post, I love your explanation of how you named this baby boy. I had a feeling that you and Azael would have a son! I also love the "tasted and seen" on the top of the page. How true is that? I got to see so much things in last couple months.