Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Did you hear/see it?

   You know the saying, "If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Scientifically speaking, yes - the noise will happen regardless of a persons presence but theoretically the thought remains. Lately, I've been wondering a parallel question, "If a missionary is overwhelmed with ministry work, but there is no one there to document it as it happens (Instagram picture, Facebook feed, YouTube video, Blog post, etc), did it count as part of the harvest?"
   This wonderment comes not from contempt at seeing missions work overshared on social media, or annoyance of 'do-gooder's only seeking recognition for their "help" but rather out of a place of "plentiful harvest and too-few workers".. I've been quiet here on the blog/newsletter recently, as I've just been overwhelmed with ministry related work, and underwhelmed at the amount I can do as a 'one-man band'. I have regularly felt the tinge of 'you should post to let people know what you/the ministry is up to' as I shuffle to the next thing, but I've not yet been able to sit down and collect my thoughts in an intelligible way. To those of you who have recently joined my support team, I really am truly grateful for your partnership. I hope to update soon - see below. For those of you who have walked this journey with me for a while, I appreciate your patience. Updates and encouragement are coming - stay tuned! ;)

** Honestly, I feel pregnant with words as of late.. re-read that >>WITH WORDS<<.. and similar to how due dates and baby's delivery dates often don't coincide, I can feel that the messages are coming, they just aren't quite ready yet.. so I am trying to let them simmer a lil' longer and giving the Holy Spirit time to refine them before I birth them onto the page. Soon..

Until then - thanks for keeping-on-keeping-on in whatever place the Lord has you at the moment, and may we continue to go higher up and further in as we walk with Jesus on this journey called "life"!

Soli Deo Gloria

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