"I want to say true things. That wasn't my idea - that was [the Apostle] Paul's idea. Don't tickle people's ears.. people are listening to you - we're teachers - so just say true things."
Honestly, this last year has been a painful 'pregnant with words' time for me.. Many an update/blog post swirled around in my mind and in my soul, but I did not have peace to share them for a few reasons - mainly because of my desire to stay true to who our Adonai has made me to be while still desiring to encourage those of you who are my ministry partner team reading these updates. I've gotten counsel to be more succinct in what I send out, to not be so long winded.. And I've wrestled with how to do that since 'short and sweet' does not come naturally to me. Whenever the Holy Spirit places a topic on my heart, the content of what I write tumbles out effortlessly. Every time I've tried to cut down a post to a snippet or a 'sound bite' though, the well drys up and I have nothing to say. Attempts at short and sweet become blunt and bitter, and that's not my desire at all! It's been a journey for me to find out how to try to be "both/and" - imitating Paul (in 1 Corinthians 9) by becoming all things to all people - in this endeavor.
In His perfect timing, the Lord allowed me to come across that quote from Bob Goff in order to start a new segment of these updates and He allowed the peace to post to return. Yay! Here we go! ;)
So, what to expect for the foreseeable future? Here is my new rubric:
All updates and posts will have a section at the end of each installment that will say "TL:DR" - for those of you who don't have teenagers living at home this means "To Long: Didn't Read". If you are crunched for time, or just want the Cliffs Notes - scroll down to this section where I'll bullet point the above message.
I seem to do better when Calendar updates and Life updates are separate, so I'm going to go back to my previous schedule of "What'Sup Wednesday" posted on the first Wednesday of the month, and give a calendar overview of what events I have coming up. This should allow you to see when I'm traveling and to know if you should be tuning in to an :LIVE: event that Cru is hosting soon or if there are recent videos of my work available to view.
The other posts that I write -hopefully once a month, but no promises on the frequency- will be these "True Things" that Bob Goff mentioned should be our priority to share. These will be the things that I am learning and that the Holy Spirit brings to my fingers, things that will include updates about my family, information and insight into the Deaf community as well as nuggets of truth I've uncovered on my current journey with our Great Cattle Rancher (aka Provider).
The final option that I'm going to add is a non-electronic update.. That means if you would like to cease receiving the e-mail version, but instead would like an envelope mailed to your person, then I'll send a quarterly paper copy of my last 3 months posts in a consolidated newsletter update. I need you to reply with your physical address if this is something you would prefer so I can get that list together and make sure you have that mailed to you.
Hopefully the 'birth' of this first 'word baby' will help the siblings (twins, triplets, I'm not sure how many 'word babies' have been germinating this year) out onto the page as well! ;)
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