Thursday, October 29, 2015

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)

I landed in Richmond 3 hours ago for the ICOM conference.

I will start interpreting in hour. 

This weekend, I am interpreting 8  different sessions - which you can watch online here!

The conference is only 4  days long - but that's four more days than I've previously left Jaelyn somewhere without me!

This is the 5 th and last time I'm going to link to the live stream web cast - if you have not yet clicked the link - do it now!!! ;)

Soli Deo Gloria

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