Wednesday, October 14, 2015

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to meet the subsequent communication needs incurred, and prayer partners/a financial support base to join me on the journey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
HappeningsI've been asked to come help coordinate the interpreters for a missions conference in Virginia at the end of October. It's a different kind of conference than I've usually done, and I'm looking forward to the challenge. This conference also live-streams their interpreters (something else that I am in need of learning more about) so I'm looking forward to being a sponge while I'm there and soaking up lots of technical info! Since the current interpreter coordinator for the conference will be with me the first few days we are there, this conference is considered training for me - yay! I'll take over 3 days into the 4.5 day conference, and it's sink or swim from there :) I'll be leaving Jaelyn with Azael (first time away from mommy!), so pray for him if you think about it. :)
ALSO - the Deaf movement at RIT was in the pape! Cru has a quarterly magazine that they publish to encourage those supporting the mission, and Hands of Fire made it in an article! :) Please click the link to see the story and get to know the Deaf staff and students a lil better.

* End of October (October 28-November 1st) I'll be in Virginia for the icom conference. 
* In December, the annual winter conference will be in Washington, D.C. and students from both Gallaudet and RIT will be able to attend :) More info on that to come.
* A little ways out, but Big Break will be in Florida again, during spring break in March. :)

Finances: I am still working on raising the funds needed to complete the "Matching Grant" I was given towards the Interpreting Fund budget for the year 2015. If you are preparing to give an "end of the year" gift this year, please consider donating to the interpreting fund so that we can continue to provide these services to the Deaf community. To date I have had $1,280  donated towards the matching grant, meaning that since January, I have raised $2,560. That leaves $25,976  to still be raised. If you know of anyone interested in donating towards this amount, please hit reply (if you are reading this in your inbox) or contact me at jenna.buperry @ to introduce me to you friends! We know the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child" - I'll add, "it takes a community to 'win, build and send' laborers for Christ!" Would you join my community?

If you desire to partner with me monthly, my personal account is #0865449. I now have a bio page set up on the Cru site with a link to my blog, and easy giving accessibility. 

Thanks for stewarding your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria

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