Thursday, August 9, 2012

[what]S'up, Wednesday..?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Project wrapped up on Monday. The students spent Tuesday cleaning the "Project House" (where they've been living for the past 10 weeks.) Once things were all packed, and "spotless", the goodbye's began. Cory, Cara and myself interpreted til 2am on Tuesday as the students took turns reminiscing, crying, and hugging each other.. and I remember as a student what the last night was like, but it was sooooo late. I was reminded that I am not a college student, nor on their 'sleep?-who-needs-it?" schedule! 

Schedule: Auzy and I started our road-trip back to the Mid-West yesterday.. we took the scenic route - via Ferry and a short stop in Delaware. We're in D.C. with friends until tomorrow, then we head out for Kentucky! (it'll be my first time driving through this fun state [I think.. I might have skirted the state line before, but have not been in KY that I remember] so I'm excited!) We'll be back in Oklahoma on Monday.

I was finally able to sit down with Aaron (the director of the financial side of Wildwood) on Tuesday when he and the other 2 staff directors came back to close up everything. I felt like I had been doing a pretty decent job of keeping up with the budget and tracking costs of the interpreter expenses I was incurring. However, I forgot about the way CRU handles large accounts, and that there is a 13% overhead charge that comes out of all donations. Thus my ledger that I thought was in the black was actually in the red. 
(insert tear filled eyes here).. 
It's one thing to be good at something, and make a silly mistake.. It's another to know that you are operating out of your weakness, feel like you are doing an adequate job and then realize everything you've been doing was incorrect.  *sigh*

Thus my financial situation is $1,000 in the red.. and I still have 3 interpreters I need to pay.. I can delay "closing the books" until I get the funds raised. It's just frustrating to be under the impression I had enough, and then realize I'm short.. like $3,000 short.. 

But I have to come back to trusting that my Adonai will prompt the hearts of those who He plans to use to provide the funds. I know the Lord has provided the amount needed the past 2 years even when I didn't know how much the total should be - and he will do the same this year. 

If you would like to contribute to helping me get to a fully funded status, please visit my donor page on Cru's website, and follow the prompts..I'm grateful for your partnership in the gospel-work that we were able to do this summer.

THANK YOU in advance for helping to further the cause of Christ by financially supporting this ministry!

Soli Deo Gloria

Saturday, August 4, 2012

FrienDay FriDay :D

The day has FINALLY arrived! Look who came to visit me!!! :)

My road trip buddy for the drive home arrived 5 days early! Good thing I like having him around.. and good thing he likes to clean - cuz as we wrap up project, he'll be helping me move out of my apt ;)
For those not on our path from Jersey to the Mid-west, let this be your introduction: "Hey, everyone, this is my boyfriend - Auzy!".. 
For those of you in Oklahoma, you'll get to meet him in person sometime during the month of August. YAY!

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

[what]S'up, Wednesday..?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)

So, I sat down this morning to type out my estimated schedule for the next 8 days.. Then I got distracted, and time got away from me.. I left the draft sitting here as Cory and I joined Cara (the Interpreting Intern) and her family - who is down here at the shore for vacation - for lunch. On our way driving there, a storm hit. BUCKETS of rain.. I have some video I'll upload shortly - but it was a TON of water. As we made our way down one of the main streets, a car stopped at the stop sign of the side streets tried to make it across the intersection. Cory (driving) tried to avoid her, but brakes + water and deluge conditions made contact inevitable. She hit us on the rear driver side, and popped my tire. 

Fortunately, for me, there was minimal damage to my car (on the surface). We were going between 25 and 30 MPH - she was had not gotten up to 20MPH yet. There is a black scrape along the side panel, and a tiny dent in the fender.. My tired was punctured though, and we had to put on the spare. Praise the Lord that Cara's dad was able to help us change the tire, AND that my spare is a full-fledged road worthy tire - not a donut - as I am making the 2 hour drive up to Philly on Friday to pick up my boyfriend from the airport. No tire would = no "wheels" would = super sad day for me.. Thus, I am so very grateful for the Lord's hand in protecting us during the accident. 

Nicole (the soon-to-be freshman at Penn State) who hit us is ok too. Of course she was shaken up, but I was able to remind her that it's just a car, and that the important thing is that we are all ok. Her front bumper was knocked loose, but she was more concerned about her parents taking her car away. The Police came, and Srgt. Bradford (I think) made a report. She was ticketed for "failure to yield".

All in all - we are all ok. I am hopeful that there is no internal damage to the tie-rod-drive-shaft-wheel-turning mechanism thing.. Your prayers that the end of project continues without any major issues are appreciated.. :)

- The last day that students work at their summer jobs is Thursday.
- I drive up to Philly, pick up Auzy from the airport, we stay the night with some friends of ours on Friday.
- We drive back to Wildwood on Saturday. Project Students will be hosting a "Beach Bash" for the local community all day.
- Project students will have debrief meetings, time to pack up their things and clean the house from Sunday to Tuesday
- Starting around 10am, on Wednesday Auzy and I start our road trip back to the Mid-west. We should be home on Monday (August 13th) afternoon..

I am waiting on some recent transactions to go through so I don't know my updated balance at the moment. It is always hard for me to know how much to outright ask for funds from those who are able to give.. and how much to trust that the Lord - our Adonai - will prompt the hearts of those who He plans to use. I know it is a combination of the two, but I always feel like the Lord has provided the past 2 years even when I didn't know how much I needed - and he will do the same this year. And as much as I'd like to be self-sufficient, I know that I can't do this on my own.

If you would like to contribute to helping me get to a fully funded status, please visit my donor page on Cru's website, and follow the prompts.. THANK YOU in advance for helping to further the cause of Christ by financially supporting this ministry!

I think that wraps up "[what]Sup, Wednesday?" for now. I'll be back with more fun "deet's" (as these college students say - it's an abbreviated form of details) ;) next week! Thanks for tuning in and reading through "[what]Sup."
Appreciate your prayers!

Soli Deo Gloria