Wednesday, December 6, 2017

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

The "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" update comes on the first Wednesday of the month. Peak into my planner to see my upcoming schedule, catch up on any noteworthy thing happening and check out a recent picture or two from my phone (mostly of the kids, cuz they're the cute ones) ;) .. 

Peak into my Planner
December 4th-11th :: Heidi and Dakota are visiting. Both WORK and PLAY are being accomplished.  We have *big and exciting* plans for them to be back on campus as soon as they are able. --Stay Tuned!!--
December 21st-26th :: We (Azael, kids and I) fly to California for Christmas (THANKS PaPa Jim for the miles - though it may be self-serving for him as he's not yet met his second grandson!). ;)
December 26th-January 1st :: I'll be in Baltimore working at the Cru Winter Conference. I'll send out a link once I get there, as the interpreters will be on live-stream those few days. :)

[December 27th - {KASPIEN} turns 1! This big boy will accompany me to CWC-Baltimore, his second work trip with only Momma, as sister will stay home with Daddy - If you think of Azael, pray for wisdom in his few days of flying solo!] ;)

:: *Noteworthy* ::
DECEMBER is here! For most of you that means holiday shopping and wrapping gift (no harm in any of that!) - but for me, as a fundraiser, that means Year-end giving! I look at it as a win-win, really. You get a write off on your taxes for the money that God has entrusted you, and I get to have your donation doubled through matching funds (from a generous donor) that allow me to continue to provide access to the Deaf community at Cru events exposing them to the gospel and resources that allow them to walk deeper with Jesus!! :) I have $8,910 left to raise of the matching grant I received for this calendar year. Every little bit helps, so ask our Father what he would have you give, then click the link to allow Deaf individuals to SEE the gospel! :)

<<<< That's all for now - catch you later >>>>

Soli Deo Gloria

Sunday, November 26, 2017

#Giving Tuesday 2017

(Remember TL:DR is a summary at the bottom if you don't have time to read the whole update)

This summer I was introduced to the term "History's Handful". Individuals in this group have purposed during their lifetime to give One Million Dollars towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Something within me stirred; this is something I'd love to do! From Adopting/sponsoring kids to drilling clean water wells to completing Bible translations in the heart languages of Deaf individuals around the world - these veins run deep within me! Those of you who know my financial situation and socio-economic status might smile and think "bless your heart". I'd agree with you - I have no where near the capital needed to give away $1 million dollars over the course of my lifetime.. Maybe if I write a book, and give all the proceeds away I could get close.. Or if I came up with an app, and donated all the revenue.. I have many inventor/creator type ideas, but no entrepreneurial wit or patience. (If you have that ability, I'll share my ideas and we can split the donations of the proceeds to our charities of choice? deal?!)

I am also encouraged to read about people who live on 10% of their income and give away 90%.. We're struggling to live on the 90% currently, but to live on less and be able to give more is always our goal! Currently we strive to be good stewards of what we have and to give as generously as we are able when a situation arrises - exhibit A: While traveling home, we ended up filling the tank of the Turkish visitor at the gas station the other day and giving him the $50 Aldi gift card we had so he could purchase food for his family since he left his wallet at the hotel during his travels and had yet to reclaim it.

I start out with all these examples because I know that it can seem like I'm always asking for monetary donations ((cuz I am ;) I can't do this work that God has given me on my own, and the part I need the most help with is the money part)) BUT - I don't want you to think that my attitude towards the money you give is indifferent or demanding. I'm on the front lines with you! I want to be a generous giver just as much as I challenge you to be one! I subscribe to a blog entitled Gospel Patrons which endeavors to engage people who desire to be involved in a similar mission as History's Handful - without the one million dollar number attached ;) Their goal is to reflect God's generosity in advancing the message of Jesus.

An article they recently published is a great reminder of how we are all in this together. Some are the suppliers and others are the order fulfillment department while still others (to take the analogy further) are the shipping team and the customer service reps ;) Somedays I'd love to leave the customer relations job and be on the supplying end - to have the knowhow to develop products that customers purchase with money - to get something tangible and less messy than working with people and their brokenness all the time. I can easily become disillusioned that I'm just peddling myself and my talents for no real profit, or that the "gospel that I'm selling" is not as cool as the new iPhone and all it's features..

Often I think it would be easier to just earn the money to pay for the ministry in a "one-man-band" capacity and therefore not be a burden to any one else rather than to trust God to provide. But then I'm reminded that the grass always seems greener on the other side, and if I'm not walking out in the faith that my God will supply all my needs (and that of the ministry) according to His glorious riches, then I'm squandering my own green grass ;) as well as robbing you of the opportunity to join me in the gospel pursuit.

I've put "Joining History's Handful" on my bucket list, and will continue towards that endeavor - and I want to invite you to join me in pursing that in your own lives as well. One Million is a lot of 000's.. But don't let that intimidate you - You all know the story about the boy throwing starfish back into the sea.. "You can't help them all.." he's challenged by an onlooker. "No," He replies, "but I can help this one."
This week, many people will take part in #Giving Tuesday.

⇨ Please prayerfully ask our Abba "which one is my one?" and start there! ⇦

 I'd love to have this ministry be your one - but more than that, I want your finances to not control you or limit your ability to give. If this Tuesday is a step breaking the chains of consumerism and giving control of your budget to God, then that's a great first step! If you would be lead to join the ministry partners that fund this ministry I have a matching grant for this calendar year for that expires December 31st. I've raised $9,620 toward the matching amount, so in the month of December, every dollar raised will be doubled up to $10,380! Please join me in pursuing the heart of our GENEROUS God and imitating him in providing ways for others to hear (in this ministries case - SEE!) the gospel and respond!


** I wanna join the History's Handful club (a group of people dedicated to donate $1Million to the great commission), but I can't without your help. **
** This article is worth your time and consideration. **
** If you choose to be a supplier (see the article) - I have a matching grant for all donations made in December - up to $10,380! I'd love to be the recipient of your generosity! **

Soli Deo Gloria

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Word 'Baby' #1 - 'born' just in time for Thanksgiving! ;)

In my last update, I mentioned being pregnant with WORDS.. Since then, while watching a brief interview with a man named Bob Goff, something triggered my 'pregnant with words' self into the labor of 'write-some-things-out-NOW!' Here's his statement that served as todays 'word-birthing' catalyst:

"I want to say true things. That wasn't my idea - that was [the Apostle] Paul's idea. Don't tickle people's ears.. people are listening to you - we're teachers - so just say true things."

Honestly, this last year has been a painful 'pregnant with words' time for me.. Many an update/blog post swirled around in my mind and in my soul, but I did not have peace to share them for a few reasons - mainly because of my desire to stay true to who our Adonai has made me to be while still desiring to encourage those of you who are my ministry partner team reading these updates. I've gotten counsel to be more succinct in what I send out, to not be so long winded.. And I've wrestled with how to do that since 'short and sweet' does not come naturally to me. Whenever the Holy Spirit places a topic on my heart, the content of what I write tumbles out effortlessly. Every time I've tried to cut down a post to a snippet or a 'sound bite' though, the well drys up and I have nothing to say. Attempts at short and sweet become blunt and bitter, and that's not my desire at all! It's been a journey for me to find out how to try to be "both/and" - imitating Paul (in 1 Corinthians 9) by becoming all things to all people - in this endeavor. 

In His perfect timing, the Lord allowed me to come across that quote from Bob Goff in order to start a new segment of these updates and He allowed the peace to post to return. Yay! Here we go! ;)

So, what to expect for the foreseeable future? Here is my new rubric:

All updates and posts will have a section at the end of each installment that will say "TL:DR" - for those of you who don't have teenagers living at home this means "To Long: Didn't Read". If you are crunched for time, or just want the Cliffs Notes - scroll down to this section where I'll bullet point the above message. 

I seem to do better when Calendar updates and Life updates are separate, so I'm going to go back to my previous schedule of "What'Sup Wednesday" posted on the first Wednesday of the month, and give a calendar overview of what events I have coming up. This should allow you to see when I'm traveling and to know if you should be tuning in to an :LIVE: event that Cru is hosting soon or if there are recent videos of my work available to view. 

The other posts that I write -hopefully once a month, but no promises on the frequency- will be these "True Things" that Bob Goff mentioned should be our priority to share. These will be the things that I am learning and that the Holy Spirit brings to my fingers, things that will include updates about my family, information and insight into the Deaf community as well as nuggets of truth I've uncovered on my current journey with our Great Cattle Rancher (aka Provider).

The final option that I'm going to add is a non-electronic update.. That means if you would like to cease receiving the e-mail version, but instead would like an envelope mailed to your person, then I'll send a quarterly paper copy of my last 3 months posts in a consolidated newsletter update. I need you to reply with your physical address if this is something you would prefer so I can get that list together and make sure you have that mailed to you.  

Hopefully the 'birth' of this first 'word baby' will help the siblings (twins, triplets, I'm not sure how many 'word babies' have been germinating this year) out onto the page as well! ;)

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Did you hear/see it?

   You know the saying, "If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Scientifically speaking, yes - the noise will happen regardless of a persons presence but theoretically the thought remains. Lately, I've been wondering a parallel question, "If a missionary is overwhelmed with ministry work, but there is no one there to document it as it happens (Instagram picture, Facebook feed, YouTube video, Blog post, etc), did it count as part of the harvest?"
   This wonderment comes not from contempt at seeing missions work overshared on social media, or annoyance of 'do-gooder's only seeking recognition for their "help" but rather out of a place of "plentiful harvest and too-few workers".. I've been quiet here on the blog/newsletter recently, as I've just been overwhelmed with ministry related work, and underwhelmed at the amount I can do as a 'one-man band'. I have regularly felt the tinge of 'you should post to let people know what you/the ministry is up to' as I shuffle to the next thing, but I've not yet been able to sit down and collect my thoughts in an intelligible way. To those of you who have recently joined my support team, I really am truly grateful for your partnership. I hope to update soon - see below. For those of you who have walked this journey with me for a while, I appreciate your patience. Updates and encouragement are coming - stay tuned! ;)

** Honestly, I feel pregnant with words as of late.. re-read that >>WITH WORDS<<.. and similar to how due dates and baby's delivery dates often don't coincide, I can feel that the messages are coming, they just aren't quite ready yet.. so I am trying to let them simmer a lil' longer and giving the Holy Spirit time to refine them before I birth them onto the page. Soon..

Until then - thanks for keeping-on-keeping-on in whatever place the Lord has you at the moment, and may we continue to go higher up and further in as we walk with Jesus on this journey called "life"!

Soli Deo Gloria