Friday, January 31, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

Reunions of friends from William Woods University are always fun! Talia and Ashley are part of my mainstay of friends to visit in D.C. and both are graduates of the WWU Interpreting program (Talia a year before me, and Ashley 2 years behind me). It's always fun to see where God has taken us year to year. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


Monday's postings are longer, more in-depth thoughts or stories that I feel the need to share. If you don't have time to read this now, you can look at the cliff notes versions that come out in my "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" posts. When you have the time, please feel encouraged by the stories God is telling, and musings that he brings to my mind. 
Noticing the Fingerprints of Abba on my journey in the Northeast so far..

I briefly mentioned last week that my travels up to the northeast, and subsequent month-long-stay all came together in a 3 day period. Honestly, I had second, and third and even fourth thoughts about a 5 week trip coming together in less than 48 hours - BUT - when I look back on the many journey's I've taken to get to this point, I see a very distinct pattern of God's guidance being in the "whispers" of "a voice behind [me] saying "this is the way, walk in it".." In the first week of January, I was feeling quite lousy - due to constant morning sickness, and a wicked-nasty aftertaste in my mouth that seemed never ending. While Azael and I prayed together on Saturday for our families, friends and upcoming trip to New Jersey for a friends wedding, we both has this sense of "what if.. I (Jenna) stayed until our other friends wedding on February 15th".. 
We tossed around the idea, but that was it.. I continued to ponder it throughout the day, and by Sunday, I was again bringing up the topic of an extended stay in the Northeast.. On Monday, we decided that I would begin by facebook messaging/emailing/texting my friends/contacts I have up there.. and by Tuesday evening the details had mostly fallen into place - transportation from place to place accounted for and a place to sleep at each location.. Not many details nailed down other than those, but it was enough of a nudge for God to point me in "the way, walk in it", so I started packing (who packs for a 5 week trip in 1.5 days? this crazy girl!) and trying not to stress about the last minute notice. We were also able to squeeze in seeing our Mid-wife on Tuesday evening, allowing us to get some input about traveling while pregnant, a list of supplements to help maintain healthy "baby growing", and to hear baby's heartbeat for the first time. :) 
It's hard to explain the peace that comes in the storm though - unless you have previously experienced the seemingly unnatural comfort that Abba gives - it sounds contradictory.. However, in the midst of all that I was trying to prep for my month long absence, there was a quite that covered my heart, knowing that this was the right thing to do at this point in time. So, on Thursday, January 9th, off we flew..

After our friends wedding, I had wanted to go straight to Albany where the Epicenter conference would be held over the MLK long-weekend. The plans that were able to solidify though took me to Rochester for the four days between the wedding and the conference. I didn't mind the time to catch up with my friend as we made the 6 hour road trip through PA to Upstate New York. It was good to see a hospitable Christian couple who has housed me in my previous visits to Rochester. Overall, though, I was wondering why I was in Rochester for these 4 days, since the semester didn't start for another 2 weeks (and no students were on campus). Unbeknownst to me, a student that had been on Project before happened to be in town early, waiting for her semester job to start. Azael connected the dots from a previous conversation with another one of our friends, and I shot her a text message seeing what she was doing. Her day was free, and we were able to meet up. God often causes me to chuckle at the way he coordinates our schedules even before we know what we need. :) What I thought would be a quick lunch chat turned into a 4 hour conversation of much needed authenticity and restoration. If the only reason for my four days in Rochester was to have a four hour conversation with this student, then I'm glad I went.. 

Interpreting at Epicenter was a good experience, but being able to get to chat with many of the "powers that be" in the Cru campus ministries was also very necessary to moving forward with my part-time position. It was also beneficial in aligning myself and the Hands of Fire (Deaf Cru) Staff of the movement on RIT's campus toward the same goal. The conference schedule proved to be packed full and quite busy, but I left feeling refreshed and with a vision to move forward in the mission of equipping Deaf students to reach other Deaf students with the Gospel. :)

After the conference, I was suppose to fly to Baltimore, and then make my way to D.C. through the public transportation system; however, I got a text message from Southwest the night before telling me that "inclement weather had cancelled my 3:20pm flight." Bummer.. The message added that I could go online and reschedule without any additional costs. The only time available was the 6AM flight out.. Bummer again :( I had been looking forward to sleeping in after my busy weekend of interpreting.. This also meant that I wasn't sure how I would get to DC, since the snow complicated the whole trip. However, in God's networking fashion, my plans were about to all work out :) A student who had been on Summer Project in 2010 (and Azael's roommate) had moved out to Baltimore 2 weeks ago for an internship. The only reason we knew this was that Azael forgot to sign out of Skype the day before, and this friend of ours, Nick, seeing Azael on-line, started chatting with him. In their time catching up, Nick mentioned his recent move. Coincidence? I think not. 
The world was about to get smaller though (as the Cru world often does). Nick was attending a church that a friend back in Indiana recommended. Nick met Larry at this church. Larry works with Cru's Epic movement. Larry has a fiancee named VanKim. VanKim was working from home (due to the "inclement weather" that messed up my flight schedule), so I could stay with VanKim -even spend the night- so that I didn't get stuck in the snow storm due to inconsistent Public transportation that day. WOW - Yay God! :) Again, he provided before I even knew I needed it. :)

So, at 6AM the airport was buzzing with people, since all afternoon flights had been cancelled, and due to my pregnant self lugging all my bags with me I was the last person on my flight. :( (but my flight neighbor on the plane taught me how to play canasta on her iPad, so that was fun.) Once in the Baltimore airport, I cumbersomely shoved allll my bags down a loooooooong corridor (from door 5 to door 19) to the lite-rail so I could meet up with my friend, Nick. Imagine boarding a charter bus with 2 large roller bags, 2 backpacks and a lunch cooler.. It takes a couple of trips up and down all those steps! I was so blessed by all the individuals that helped me at each location to load and unload my stuff (many times throwing my remaining bags out the 30 second window of "door closing now, step back, door closing" time that I had to exit with all my belongings). I know people say that "Baltimore is *rough*", but on this day, my Heavenly Father, seeing that my 3 days of packing for 5 weeks had produced a lil over-packing, had only grace to give me. Through the course of all my public transportation, no less than 7 strangers helped me to either load or unload my things from the bus, the train or the elevator without asking for anything in return. I wish I had gotten to ask their names, but it all happened so fast in each instance, and then they were gone.. All I can do is make a public record of thanksgiving to my Abba for his provision of help when I needed it. ANNND right as we got to VanKim's place, the snow began to fall, so we didn't have to fight the weather on top of all of that. :D 

On Wednesday, I made my way down to D.C. and was able to stay the evening with a "new friend" that I made last summer on the way home from project. She is as hospitable as they come, and seems to be a kindred spirit when it comes to Deaf ministry and the Christian life. It was good to get to know her a little more. I look forward to seeing how this friendship will span time, and always feel refreshed after talking with her. Around this time, mid-week too, I began to feel better! No more nausea 24/7! I still feel sick to my stomach during the day, but I'll take feeling sick occasionally over all.the.time! ;) I've been sleeping better, and generally have more energy too - yay for surviving the first trimester! :D

Sunday, I was scheduled to present a Deaf church an hour outside of D.C. Initially, my friend was going to join me and she has access to a car, so I was not concerned about the drive. Then her schedule changed and she was no longer able to come. So I began to look into public transportation, and the hour car ride turned into over a 3 hour trip :( As I continued looking at options, a taxi would cost close to $100 on-way, and a rental car - though cheap - would take me 45mins on the metro to get to the rental car place. The timing would cut it close, as the metro doesn't open til 7am on Sundays and I needed to be leaving DC by 8am. That left little time for me to actually find the rental car place once I got to the airport.. Complications! After spending some time asking God how I was suppose to get to the church, and talking with my husband about options, a solution presented itself that wasn't even on my radar. A friend offered to let me use their personal car for the whole day! I felt so blessed to not have to fight public transportation and not have to spend extra money that wasn't necessary. :)

The crazy thing is this is only 2 weeks into my trip.. I'm interested to see what the next 3 weeks hold!

Friday, January 24, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

I know it's suppose to be a picture of a "friend" that I meet, but I met up with many friends when I was at the Epicenter conference Interpreting this past weekend (MLK weekend) and I met new friends, but since I was busy interpreting the whole time, I didn't get a chance to take any pictures myself. This picture was taken by the conference staff and shows me doing what I do - terpin'! :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: so, I'm still in the Northeast.. below, my schedule might give a better idea of where I am and what I'm doing.. :) Yesterday I made it to Baltimore (before the snow hit) and was blessed by all the people that God put in my path to help this weary pregnant lady ;) board and de-board the "lite-rail" train with my 4 suitcases of stuff! :) I also got to see a friend from the 2010 Summer Project and meet some new friends who graciously allowed me to stay the night (so I didn't get stuck in the snow/weather delays of public transportation) :) Today, the snow fall has subsided and now I'm bound for D.C. :)

Schedule: JAN 22 - FEB 1 - In Washington, D.C. visiting Churches, 
                                              Gallaudet University, and talking with potential 
                  FEB 2 - FEB 7 -  In Philly, visiting a Deaf Christian college 
                                              ministry program (VFCC) and sharing 
                                              about WWSP opportunity.
                  FEB 8 - FEB 13 - Just outside of NYC, giving presentations 
                                               at Churches, and meeting potential supporters
                 FEB 14 - FEB 15 - At my friend (fellow interpreter support team 
                                                for the past 2 years) Cory and Natalie's 
                                                 wedding in Connecticut. :)
                FEB 16 - FLY HOME! :D

Finances I have received $500 towards the $5,000 I need to raise to begin my support raising journey for my part time staff position. If you would like to give a one-time gift towards this amount, please contact me so I can get you my address. You will need to send it in check form, as the account has not yet been set up online. 
I am also still raising funds for Wildwood. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund please do so here:
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Sunday, January 19, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday? - *SPECIAL SUNDAY EDITION*

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: On Sunday, January 5th, I was planning to fly to New Jersey for the weekend to interpret at a friends wedding. I was not however planning to stay in the Northeast for a month! By Wednesday, January 8th though, I was indeed packing and making arraignments with friends to "couch surf" from January 11th to February 13th. The trip came together quite fast, I must say - but it has the usual M.O. of God's previous recruiting journeys for me. In the sidebar, I say "serv[ing] my Adoni by joining him on such a grand adventure... is never boring ". That is the best summary of my time with Cru recruiting trips thus far. Azael attended our friends wedding with me in January, and will attend a second friends wedding in February (where we'll see each other again after a month apart). Yes, it is hard to be away from him. Yes, my baby is still making my tummy upset :( BUT yes, I know this is the right thing to do for the moment :)

Schedule: JAN 17 - JAN 20 - Interpreting at a Cru conference in Albany, NY. 
                                               Also, finalizing details with regional staff (who 
                                               are at the conference) about my part 
                                                time position with Cru. :)
Finances:  The conversation with the regional staff went very well. Basically she said, if you can raise $5,000 by Monday, January 20th, then we can hire you right now. If I can be hired "now", then I can get paid for the recruiting that I am doing up here in the NE for the next 3 weeks. Getting paid would be nice. But, it's the weekend, and I am interpreting at a conference for the better part of all day. So, let's see what God does :) If you are interested in giving a one-time gift towards this $5,000 number, please text me (my number will be in the email) or reply to the email (as it come to my phone) so that I can tell my regional supervisor whether or not we can go ahead with the hiring process. 

Soli Deo Gloria