Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: My 5 week tour of the North East has come to a close. After 2 gate changes and an hour and a half delay, we made it back to Tulsa early Monday morning (yes, we left Sunday afternoon) ;) Tulsa Public Schools observes Presidents Day, giving Azael the day off. We took advantage of this "down day" to catch up on sleep. It is good to be home, but I miss the snow!
While in CT for our friends wedding, I finally had time to sit down with one of my interpreters from last summer (a very business minded friend) and talk details of this upcoming summer. There are obviously going to be some changes, since Baby BúPerry plans to come mid-July, and my terp friend, "Linsk", was able to give some valuable insight in to how that might happen. :) Really, there are many "iron's in the fire" at this point, and it's hard to tell which things will be ready first. I'm looking forward to what this summer has in store :)

Schedule: Now that I am home, I will start follow-ups with Deaf students, Interpreters and supporters. If you know of anyone who would be interested to support this ministry, please pass on my information, or contact me with their information :)

Finances I have received $1,300 towards the $5,000 I need to initially raise to begin my support raising journey for my part time staff position. If you would like to give a one-time gift towards this amount, please contact me so I can get you my address. You will need to send it in check form, as the account has not yet been set up for online donations. 

I am also still raising funds for Wildwood. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund please do so here:
I appreciate your generous stewardship. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Tonight, after my friend Cara (my current host) and I meet up for dinner with the Pastor of the Deaf church in NJ, I will share at the Deaf Church's Wednesday night mtg about Wildwood Summer Project. The church is 40 mins from where my friend lives, and it's suppose to snow late tonight, so I'm hoping we can complete all our travels before the weather starts dropping white things from the sky! :) I'm in the home stretch of the trip. It's been good so far, but I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule :)

Schedule:FEB 8 - FEB 13 - On the New Jersey side of NYC, giving 
                                               presentations at Churches abt ASL WWSP 
                                               Interpreter Fund
                 FEB 14 - FEB 15 - At my friend (fellow interpreter at WWSP 
                                                for the last few years) Cory and Natalie's 
                                                 wedding in Connecticut. :)
                FEB 16 - FLY HOME! :D

Finances I have received $500 towards the $5,000 I need to raise to begin my support raising journey for my part time staff position. If you would like to give a one-time gift towards this amount, please contact me so I can get you my address. You will need to send it in check form, as the account has not yet been set up for online donations. 

I am also still raising funds for Wildwood. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the Wildwood ASL Interpreter Fund please do so here:
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Saturday, February 8, 2014

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

During my time here at Valley Forge Christian College, I've had the opportunity to meet new friends, catch up with Kinna (former WWSP student) and observe some of the classes in the Deaf Pastoral Studies Major. :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math 101

 "Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God."
 I try to make sure I get those stories in print in my Meditations&Musings4Mondays, "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" and FrienDay FriDay; but I've realized, I don't have a "numbers crunching post" for those who want the bottom line. Thus, I introduce "T[her]sday: Her day, her way.. Jenna Math". As a caveat though (and really a disclaimer to being terrible at math), these will be more entertaining than they are 100% accurate. "Jenna Math" as my family calls my adding ability often ends up a few numbers off.. So, with that in mind, enjoy these mostly accurate calculations of mine :)

I've been on this recruiting trip 4 weeks
In those 28 days, I've:
traveled on foot for 8.3 miles 
ridden in a car for 727 miles 
taken Public Transportation for 67.3 miles 
flown high in the sky for 1438 miles

I have been the recipient of 6 wonderful "bed and breakfast" hospitality from friends, new and old.
I've consumed 26 "free to me" meals, thanks to generous friends along the way :)

I have met:
10 Deaf students interested in Summer Project
4 Individuals interested in joining the Interpreting team
2 Churches willing to consider monthly support 

I am 15 weeks along with Baby BúPerry. 
I get to see my husband again in 7 days! 

I'll be home in 11 days. :D

Soli Deo Gloira