Tuesday, December 31, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Azael and I got married on Sept 29th (and October 5th in Honduras). We moved to a rent house in Tulsa, and have been getting settled. Setting up house has been fun, and we've been blessed with many appliances and furniture pieces at little or no cost to us! :) In November, I was diagnosed with mono induced hepatitis :( and had to spend the night in the hospital to monitor my jaundiced (very yellow!) skin turning white again. The hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) has subsided, but I am still feeling the exhaustion of the mono at times. We also found out that I am "with child" - due late July. Yes, you calculated that right - 3 months married, 2 and 1/2 months pregnant! ;)

ALSO - For those interested, there are photos of our wedding up at jennazael.wix.com/sept29 under the GALLERY tab. There is a link that will take you to our photographers website, and you'll be able to see pictures of the wedding party as well as the wedding itself. We hope to have a video up shortly, but we are still waiting on our videographer for the edited copy. We'll let you know when it's completed :) 

Schedule: In the last "[what]'Sup, Wednesday?" I erroneously mentioned that I would be updating this blog the first Wednesday of every month. I had high ambitions, but then we had no internet access for the first month we lived in our new house. Mono struck the following month, and here I am updating the first day of 2014, four months later.. My apologies! (my new years resolution will be to post monthly! Would you join me in praying that I make it a habit) :D

Finances:  I mentioned in the August post that I will be joining Cru part-time as I continue to network and fund-raise for Deaf students to have accessible Summer Projects. If you would like to support me personally on a Month to Month commitment, please send me a message so I can get you those details. As for the Wildwood Summer Project Interpreter Fund, I am still in the process of raising funds for this upcoming Summer 2014. I realize that I missed (as of yesterday) the "year end giving" push, but if you'd like to make giving be the first thing you do in the new year ;) then you can make a monetary donation towards the WWSP Interpreter Fund here: https://give.cru.org/2870830
I appreciate God prompting you to give and thank you for your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: We (Azael and I) have been back in Tulsa for 3 weeks now. Adjusting back to a "day job" has taken some time for me, as I get used to our "night shift" schedule that we work the second half of the summer. :(  
I am, however, in the midst of becoming part-time with Cru. A regional staff member and I have been talking about the position we are creating for the growing needs of Deaf students being involved in Summer Projects. Meaning (after I raise the monthly support) I'll start getting paid for what I've been doing on a volunteer basis for the last four years. I like when a passion turns into a paying job to put food on the table! :D

Schedule: When I become part-time staff, I'll start doing a monthly update instead of weekly updates. Beginning next week (in September), I will be changing the "[what]'Sup, Wednesday?" message to come out only the first Wednesday of every month. I'll be following up with all my supporters to see if you subscribe to the blog or would like to receive weekly emails. 
ALSO - for all of you (near and far) you're invited to the [Azael and I's] wedding! :) please go to jennazael.wix.com/sept29 and RSVP for the event, check out our wedding registry and see our fun pictures! :) 

Finances:  I am still a little over $3,000 short for this summer. Being in the middle of wedding plans, I've not had much time to follow up with the budget shortfall. I will be working to balance the account soon. Please see my previous "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" from July for the reason that my account is in a deficit. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards that number please do so here: https://give.cru.org/2870830
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: After 5 days of travel, (staying with friends, and allowing the boys to see some of America = Philly, D.C. and St. Louis) we made it home on Monday! Project ended well. The students had mostly everything packed up before midnight last Wednesday, even when it decided to rain midway through the day as they were loading things into the U-haul. The Deaf students, Azael and myself with a Deaf couple from the community stayed till noon on Thursday and enjoyed one last brunch together of fellowship before we went our different ways. Now we're back in Oklahoma and Azael and I have 46 days until our wedding!  

Schedule: In addition to the month and some change until Azael and I's wedding, I am also continuing to raise funds for the shortfall of this summer, and will begin raising funds for myself to join Cru Staff part time this fall. Cru Summer Projects close their books on August 31st, and so I will be busy these next few weeks trying to find funding for the deficit. If you are interested in joining a monthly support team for either the Interpreting fund, or my own personal work, please let me know. :)

Finances:  I am still a little over $3,000 short for this summer. Please see my previous "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" from July for the reason that my account is in a deficit. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards that number please do so here: https://give.cru.org/2870830
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's and updates as of the end of Project: Five down, and one to go!

Azael Perry, Heidi Birchler, Joel Herrera, Dennis Alvarez, and Taby Benavides - are fully supported Thanks so much for your generosity

Jacob Walden - has $500 left. He is a Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. I'm so proud of Jacob in the ways he has grown this summer and look forward to how he will apply the tools he's gained here to life back in Oklahoma. You can help him reach his goal here: https://give.cru.org/0766419

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Today is the last official day of Project.. This morning the students will have a debrief about the summer, encouraging them to take all the things they learned here and apply them back on their campus. After lunch, it's time to load everything ..(and I mean EverYthInG).. into a storage unit for the summer. This is the first year that we've had to move everything out of the house, and it's a relatively last minute addition to the day's plans.. The goal is to finish the move out by 8pm-ish.. I think that is a lofty goal BUT many hands make light work.. so if you think of us today, please pray that the students would be diligent to complete the task at hand, as we won't be starting this endeavor until around 1pm. (I also need to pack up the van, and get some last minute things done.. so prayers for my sanity are appreciated as well) :D

Today [Wednesday] Cara heads home in the afternoon.. and Lindsey and Cory leave in the weeee hours of "tomorrow" morning so Lindsey can catch her 6am flight to the mid-west.
Tomorrow [Thursday] we (Azael, myself and the 3 Deaf boys on project) head to Philly to see some of the sights and visit a couple that Azael and I met back in 2010. They are both interpreters. We're looking forward to fellowshiping with them as we start our cross country drive home..
Friday we'll be in the D.C. area..
Saturday it's on to Kentucky to see Azael's friend from college..
Sunday we'll make it back to Fulton, Missouri..
and our final drive home should be on Monday.. *whew* :)

Finances:  I am still about $3,000 short for this summer. Please see my previous "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" for the reason that my account is in a deficit. If you would like to make a monetary donation towards that number please do so here: https://give.cru.org/2870830
I appreciate your generosity. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's and updates as of yesterday:

Azael Perry, 
Heidi Birchler, Joel Herrera, and Taby Benavides - are fully supported Thanks so much for your generosity

Jacob Walden - has $500 left. He is a Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. I'm so proud of Jacob in the ways he has grown this summer and look forward to how he will apply the tools he's gained here to life back in Oklahoma. You can help him reach his goal here: https://give.cru.org/0766419

Dennis Alvarez - has right at half ($1,000) left. He flew from Honduras on May 31st. He is learning ASL since they use LESHO in Honduras. He has been learning and growing tremendously. Since he only has a 6 month visa from Honduras, he doesn't come from a large support base here in the States, thus he's had trouble knowing how to culturally navigate the support raising process :) You can help him reach his goal here: https://give.cru.org/0758657

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Update from last week's "happenings" - The Deaf BBQ was AMAZING.. I think we had over 50 people there by the time everyone showed up.. It was a blessed time of fellowship and meeting new like-minded friends. 
Half of the group from the BBQ - 11 Deaf from Wash. D.C., 5 local Deaf,
 15 Project students/Interpreters - eating out for lunch after Church.  
 Speaking of friends, one of my Deaf friends in the area was unable to come, but we have planned to get breakfast Friday morning to catch up; however, my other friend DID come, and enjoyed hanging out with all of us so much that she even joined us for Church the next day. It's my understanding that she is not a Christian, so please be praying that the Holy Spirit would continue to draw her to himself! I'll be running a 5k with her on the beach on Saturday morning. I'm hoping she will meet Jesus before the summer is over..
As far as Project happenings, the student schedule is winding down. Their last days of work are this week and then, next week, they will start packing up and saying goodbye to all their friends here as they head back to their respective home towns and then colleges.. Which will mean lonnnnng hours for us next week as they try to spend all the time they can with their friends before it's over.. 3am - here we come! :)

Schedule: Tomorrow night we'll be interpreting a local event called "A Closer Walk".. it's put on by Morey's Piers (the local boardwalk amusement park owners) for youth groups along the East Coast. The owners are Christians and bring in bands and guest speakers, allow the teens to camp on the beach, and host a 3 day weekend Christian conference at a pier near the ocean. We will be interpreting for Jefferson Bethke tomorrow night - he does a lot of spoken word poetry (which is super hard to interpret on the fly!). After that, our schedule winds down to mostly packing, cleaning and debrief meetings.. Next Wednesday I should have the schedule of our travels home.. some details are still in the works.. 

Finances:  You know that story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? Well, that is how I currently feel, except the opposite.. Every year I think I am doing so well with the finances (and my make shift budgets that I set up to help me understand Cru's accounting system), and every year, about this time, I find out there was something that I did not account for and am therefore in the red. I've been saying all summer, "We're good. The interpreting budget is fully funded!".. only to just find out, we're not :(  This year, I was so proud of myself for remembering to add in the 12% that Cru takes out for administrative purposes. Sadly, it turns out, that I forgot to deduct one of our housing costs. And there have been some unexpected interpreting needs (the main one being the Deaf guys team pairing up with a Hearing team for the second 1/2 of project causing us to have to bring in another guy interpreter), that I did not factor into my original budget. So I'm about $5,000 in the hole :(  This is very frustrating for me since I do try my best to be a good steward of the funds entrusted to me. I don't want to end every summer with a plea (like the little boy's cry) to help me get back into the black
                                    *hangs head in defeat* :( 
That being said.. If you fail, especially here on Project, it is expected that you get back up and try again.. So, if you are willing and able to help with my shortfall, please follow this link (https://give.cru.org/2870830). Thank you in advance for your generosity!

I appreciate your partnership with me on this journey!

Soli Deo Gloria


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: this weekend the Deaf Students are hosting a BBQ for the local Deaf community ->(Meaning: for as many Deaf individuals that we have contact information for in the Southern New Jersey area.) We also have 11 Deaf individuals from Washington D.C. coming down. I have invited 2 college age Deaf girls that I have personally befriend over the past 3 years that I've lived here in Wildwood. Please pray with me that they will *COME* (as they have a tendency, at the last moment, to not show up).. And that their work schedules would not be an excuse for them not to attend.  :) There should be about 30 to 40 people in all.

Schedule:  Tencia left today. All the interpreters took a short day trip to Philly to see her off. She will be missed. Ashley is picking up the pace of Project well, and Cara (one of the interpreters from last summer) will come down on Friday. Ashley leaves on Saturday, and then it will be Cara, Cory, Lindsey, Azael and myself until the end of Project on August 8th.

Finances:  I have been talking to some of the "higher-ups" in Cru, and it seems that in August I will begin the process of working with Cru part time to continue to develop this position that I have been volunteering in for the last four years.. If you would like information about how to join a monthly Support team for me, please comment below, or send me an email.

Thanks so much to any of you that have donated to Azael's/the students accounts! Below are update info about where they are in their support raising, one student is at full support. :) The students support raising goals are $2850 each.

THANKS so much for partnering with me on this journey!

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's:

Azael Perry is fully supported! He has been working solely as a Deaf Interpreter for the past 3 weeks. Unlike the Hearing Interpreters he doesn't have a team, or get a break during the 3 hour meeting sessions. Thanks so much for helping him to make his support goal! We feel very blessed! :)

Heidi Birchler - is about $300 away from her support goal. She is a student at RIT. She is involved in Hands of Fire, will be on their student leadership team this coming fall and  attends Cru meetings on campus. https://give.cru.org/0746231
Taby Benavides - is fully supported!  She is also a student at RIT. She is also involved in Hands of Fire and Cru.
Jacob Walden - is about half way to his support goal. He is a Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. https://give.cru.org/0766419
Joel Herrera - is almost all the way to his support goal. He moved from Honduras last year, and is i
nvolved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students as well. https://give.cru.org/0760206
Dennis Alvarez - is a little under half way to his support goal. He flew from Honduras on May 31st. He is learning ASL since they use LESHO in Honduras. Azael is interpreting for Dennis (and occasionally Joel, since he's been in the states less than a year) during the meeting that we have most nights of the week and for social times until he picks up more ASL :) https://give.cru.org/0758657

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Slacker Saturday!

Sorry, I've been a slacker for the last 3 weeks.. My "[what]S'up, Wednesday?" post has been edged out by wedding planning (71 days away!), and sleep (catching up on 2am mornings.. silly college students that think sleep is optional!) So, today, I'm calling this post "Slacker Saturday" to catch you up on the last few weeks.. I'll keep the same format as "[what]S'up, Wednesday?".. a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation..  
Thanks for your grace in my delay! :)
Happenings: Today the students are hosting a BBQ for their coworkers and international friends, as well as the local community. Jacob - one of the Deaf students from Oklahoma - will be sharing his testimony this evening. I'm so proud of him as he takes this step of faith to tell others what God has been doing in his life! :)

Schedule: Tomorrow (Sunday) Ashley comes down to help interpret for a week. She and I graduated from the same Interpreting program. I'm excited to have her here! :) We'll have 5 interpreters again for 2 days (which will be wonderful!) as Tencia leaves on Wednesday (which will be sad!). When TJ left the first week of June, we went down to having 4 terps for 5 Deaf students. It's hard during social times, as they don't always join the same conversations. Going to Zone Defense after being Man-to-Man for a while takes some adjusting >.<   

Finances: Ticket to Seattle for my terp has been booked! Thanks to my wonderful flight donor and his patience with me switching flights! :)

Thanks so much to any of you that have donated to Azael's/the students accounts! Below are update info about where they are in their support raising, one student is at full support. :) The students support raising goals are $2850 each.

THANKS so much for partnering with me on this journey!

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's:

Azael Perry - is fully supported! He has been working solely as a Deaf Interpreter for the past 3 weeks. Unlike the Hearing Interpreters he doesn't have a team, or get a break during the 3 hour meeting sessions. Thanks so much for helping him to make his support goal! We feel very blessed! :)

Heidi Birchler - is about $400 away from her support goal. She is a student at RIT. She is involved in Hands of Fire, will be on their student leadership team this coming fall and  attends Cru meetings on campus. https://give.cru.org/0746231
Taby Benavides - is fully supported!  She is also a student at RIT. She is also involved in Hands of Fire and Cru.
Jacob Walden - is about half way to his support goal. He is a Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. https://give.cru.org/0766419
Joel Herrera - is a little over half way to his support goal. He moved from Honduras last year, and is i
nvolved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students as well. https://give.cru.org/0760206
Dennis Alvarez - is a little under half way to his support goal. He flew from Honduras on May 31st. He is learning ASL since they use LESHO in Honduras. Azael is interpreting for Dennis (and occasionally Joel, since he's been in the states less than a year) during the meeting that we have most nights of the week and for social times until he picks up more ASL :) https://give.cru.org/0758657

Friday, July 19, 2013

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience
 that I would text a picture of to a good friend..
Dennis (in the green jersey) is praying before the students go out on the boardwalk to initiate spiritual conversations, asking people what they believe, and sharing the gospel with them. Azael (in the purple shirt) is translating from LESHO to ASL (since Dennis just moved here from Honduras and uses LESHO), and Cory (in the gray shirt) is translating from ASL to English for Damien (in the white shirt), who is a fellow student, who paired up with Dennis. It seems like a long process, but because Azael and Cory are both skilled interpreters, most people that they approached marveled at the smoothness of the conversations..  Praise the Lord for His gift of languages and community! :D

Friday, July 12, 2013

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience 
that I would text a picture of to a good friend..
The guys on Project hosted a "Women's Appreciation Night" a few weeks back for all the ladies. The picture is a lil grainy because I stole it off of Azael and I's Instagram (if you'd like to follow). After the guys served the girls a full course meal and had a swing-dance lesson, they started playing worship music. I asked the Deaf girls if they would like me to interpret the songs and was was met with an enthusiastic, "YES." I tend to get lost in the worship songs when I sign them and looked up part way through the worship set to see ALMOST ALL of the Hearing students joining the Deaf students in signing the songs. I didn't realize I was leading all of them in ASL worship. It was a humbling and grace-filled moment! :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience 
that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

T.J - or TreeJ as he's become known around here - flew back home today.. Only after we made a stop to a local yet hidden beach that is one of my favorites though.. (if I have to go to the beach, I'd pick this one every time..) You'd have thought he'd never seen the ocean before! ;)TreeJ is posing with one of the interpreters "inside jokes" sign of the Awkward Terp. I'm glad T.J. was able to come out for the month he was here, and we're sad he's gone. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: Tomorrow is July 4th - which means everyone and their dog comes to the beach. In other words, it gets crazy here! The monsoon season seems to have let up, though (for the first 3 and a 1/2 weeks we were here, it rained everyday for a good part of the day)! There was a tropical storm off the coast that was interfering with the SUNNY Skies here. It was very a-typical weather for this area, as flash thunderstorms are common every other week or so, but not rain all-day every-day. All that said, it's more humid now (much to my interpreter roommate from Seattle, Lindsey's, chagrin , and I think it's back to the normal swing of things..

ScheduleOn Friday, TJ flies home He's been here interpreting for a month, and has been a great help. Then on Saturday, Cory, Azael, and Tencia move to their respective new housing locations, as the time is up for our current leases and the rest of the staff (they have been living with) leaves on Saturday too. There will be lots of shuffling around on the interpreter side of things, but we are all looking forward to a more relaxed schedule once the only things we need to interpret for are in the evenings for the students. It's great having the staff here, but it makes for looooong interpreting days.

Finances: I am still needing a one way ticket from Philly to Seattle (around July 19th/20th). If you have airline miles that you could donate, I would greatly appreciate it :)

As always, money is also tight on the students side of project. If you are looking to make a tax deductible donation, or would like to support any of the students, below are the links to their accounts and a short bio about them.. All students have some amount of their support raised, but none of them are at full support yet. The students support raising goals are $2850 each, the Staff goal is $1750.

THANKS so much for partnering with me on this journey!

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's:

Azael Perry - is the Deaf staff individual. This is his 3rd summer on Project, and he's functioning in a dual role (as staff and a Deaf Interpreter for a Deaf student from Honduras who has come on project this year). He's working super hard this summer, going between the staff/councilor role and the Deaf Interpreter which has not given him much time to work on raising support. The link to his account is here: https://give.cru.org/5572350

Heidi Birchler is a student at RIT. She is involved in Hands of Fire and Cru on campus. https://give.cru.org/0746231
Taby Benavides is also a student at RIT. She is also involved in Hands of Fire and Cru. https://give.cru.org/0745970

Jacob Walden - Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. https://give.cru.org/0766419
Joel Herrera -  moved from Honduras last year. 
Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students as well. https://give.cru.org/0760206
Dennis Alvarez - flew from Honduras on May 31st. He is learning ASL since they use LESHO in Honduras. Azael is interpreting for Dennis (and occasionally Joel, since he's been in the states less than a year) during the meeting that we have most nights of the week and for social times until he picks up more ASL :) https://give.cru.org/0758657

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

"[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: We are now in the 4th week of Summer Project. Next week the Staff leave, and the students begin to take on the responsibility of the project. Last night they named the student leaders who will be taking over the director roles for the rest of the summer. Unlike last year, no Deaf students we placed in leadership positions which is not good or bad, it just means one less meeting for us (as interpreters) to interpret for.. :)

Schedule: As the students begin to take over project, some adjustments are made to the way the first half of the summer schedule has been established. For instance, the first 5 weeks there has been an all Deaf Men's Bible study, since Azael has been here as a Deaf staff member. However, when he leaves, the Deaf student men will combine with a group of Hearing student men. This adds a new interpreting challenge since we have not had to interpret for the mens group yet AND one of my guy interpreters is leaving next week. I'm currently looking for another guy to come for the last half of the summer. Please be praying that God would give me wisdom and wonderful networking ability as I search for someone who can come short notice and stay for 5 or so weeks :)

Finances: I am still needing a one way ticket from Philly to Seattle (around July 19th/20th). If you have airline miles that you could donate, I would greatly appreciate it :)

As always, money is also tight on the students side of project. If you are looking to make a tax deductible donation, or would like to support any of the students, below are the links to their accounts and a short bio about them.. All students have some amount of their support raised, but none of them are at full support yet. The students support raising goals are $2850 each, the Staff goal is $1750.

THANKS so much for partnering with me on this journey!

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's:

Azael Perry - is the Deaf staff individual. This is his 3rd summer on Project, and he's functioning in a dual role (as staff and a Deaf Interpreter for a Deaf student from Honduras who has come on project this year). He's working super hard this summer, going between the staff/councilor role and the Deaf Interpreter which has not given him much time to work on raising support. The link to his account is here: https://give.cru.org/5572350

Heidi Birchler is a student at RIT. She is involved in Hands of Fire and Cru on campus. https://give.cru.org/0746231
Taby Benavides is also a student at RIT. She is also involved in Hands of Fire and Cru. https://give.cru.org/0745970

Jacob Walden - Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. https://give.cru.org/0766419
Joel Herrera -  moved from Honduras last year. 
Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students as well. https://give.cru.org/0760206
Dennis Alvarez - flew from Honduras on May 31st. He is learning ASL since they use LESHO in Honduras. Azael is interpreting for Dennis (and occasionally Joel, since he's been in the states less than a year) during the meeting that we have most nights of the week and for social times until he picks up more ASL :) https://give.cru.org/0758657

Friday, June 21, 2013

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience 
that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

Having my cat on project is one of those little blessings to me. The first 2 years I was here interpreting for the summer, I couldn't bring her with me. Last year and this year, I have been able to rent a place that allows pets. I have an extra large dog crate that I keep her in during the day when we are out (so she isn't naughty/doesn't scratch the furniture). She doesn't look happy, but she really goes quite willingly into her crate! She makes me smile :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

FrienDay FriDay :D

FrienDay FriDay is where post a "new friend" that I meet, 
or something that is definitive of the Wildwood experience 
that I would text a picture of to a good friend..

Abby, Abigail, Abz, A-flirty.. it's amazing how many good times are had when you live in close quarters for a short time. Abby was my roommate while she was here the first 2 weeks of Project helping out with the interpreting needs. We dropped her off at the airport this morning, and now she's back at home.. 
We miss her already! :) 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

Here is the first weekly update installments of "[what]S'up, Wednesday?". This is a place where I give weekly updates about how day to day life is going here in Wildwood, New Jersey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of a schedule (always subject to change), and an update on my financial situation.. :)
We're in week 2. The first few days flew by! I came to project expecting things to be slightly different, but mostly the same.. However, every year is a new year.. If you have been joining this journey with me for a while new, you will know that this year we have doubled our Deaf students in attendance on Project. Last year we had one (1) Deaf guy student, and one (1) Deaf girl. This year, there are three (3) Deaf guys, and two (2) Deaf girls. Which means the interpreting needs have doubled as well! Things have been kinda crazy as I try to figure a good rhythm of the interpreting needs. It's taken some time, but I think we're finally getting to the sweet spot.

In previous years, the interpreters tend to swap out every few weeks, as that is all the time that they can take out of their full-time work schedules. This year, over the course of the summer, I have 4 interpreters that will be here for shorter time spans. Abby is one of those interpreters. She came last week, the day before students arrived, and will be leaving this Friday. The funny God-ordained thing is that I met Abby last summer the day after protect ended. By God's providence she was able to come out this year, and it's been great having her here. She has been up to interpret for whatever is needed, and always is willing to do the dishes - which is a huge blessing for me! We will miss her!

For once the interpreting budget is not only not flailing helplessly in the ocean, but is surfing the waves masterfully! I am so grateful for the way in which Adonai has provided the necessary funds for the interpreting budget needs this year.

Money is always tight on the students side of project, though. Of all 5 Deaf students (and one Deaf staff member), only one comes from a strong support base. If you are looking to make a tax deductible donation, or would like to support any of the students, below are the links to their accounts and a short bio about them.. The students support raising goals are $2850 each, the Staff goal is $1750.

THANKS so much for partnering with me on this journey!

Soli Deo Gloria

Deaf student Bio's:

Azael Perry - is the Deaf staff individual. This is his 3rd summer on Project, and he's functioning in a dual role (as staff and a Deaf Interpreter for a Deaf student from Honduras who has come on project this year). He's working super hard this summer, going between the staff/councilor role and the Deaf Interpreter which has not given him much time to work on raising support. The link to his account is here: https://give.cru.org/5572350

Heidi Birchler is a student at RIT. She is involved in Hands of Fire and Cru on campus. https://give.cru.org/0746231
Taby Benavides is also a student at RIT. She is also involved in Hands of Fire and Cru. https://give.cru.org/0745970

Jacob Walden - Community College student in Oklahoma. Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students. https://give.cru.org/0766419
Joel Herrera -  moved from Honduras last year.
Involved in the Deaf Bible Study for College Students as well. https://give.cru.org/0760206
Dennis Alvarez - flew from Honduras on May 31st. He is learning ASL since they use LESHO in Honduras. Azael is interpreting for Dennis (and occasionally Joel, since he's been in the states less than a year) during the meeting that we have most nights of the week and for social times until he picks up more ASL :) https://give.cru.org/0758657

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Breathing".. [Thoughts on God's provision and information about Wildwood 2013]

*inhale*.. *exhale*.. 

I am often guilty of getting so caught up in the schedule of the moment, and adding 'just one more thing'.. that I don't notice that I am carrying more that I am able. I am blessed (and cursed) with the ability to hunker down and weather a storm (in the natural world or the spiritual) for an extended time being.. I tend to just take things as they come and not realize that in the midst of all the added things I've forgotten to stop and take time to "just breath"..

I just like taking care of others, and making sure things get done.. it can be hard to trust that things will be done a certain way (the way you think they should be accomplished) if you have to entrust that responsibility to someone who is not you - ya' know?

But, then there are times that I find myself completely at a loss for words - because in one glorious moment God steps in and says "you've been running for so long, and so hard, and you've worked up quite a sweat to get here.. however, I have a little detour for you", and as he ushers me toward the detour, the path opens up to an OASIS.. one that I don't think I deserve, or (if I'm honest) really want at that moment - because hard work is what accomplishes things, not lounging around.. ;)

But Abba knows best, and so he pulls me in, sits me down, and brings me the most lavish of gifts that meet all the current needs I have (and some I didn't even know I needed).. And He says to me, "Just sit.. Just Be.. Just Breath.."

All that intro to say - I'm going back to Wildwood, New Jersey to Interpret for Summer Project again!
It's been a long time coming, and many delayed details due to various reasons.. but as of now, 4.. count 'em One, Two, Three, FOUR Deaf students have been accepted! God is good, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed! :) {I assume it's a little like learning you're pregnant with twins - YAY baby..s! two at once? oiy! >.<.. "I can do this, I can do this.." or maybe not, I dunno I've not yet been pregnant with twins.. but that's what I imagine it's like..}

I have been in the process of raising funds, and recently God has graciously and generously provided a large sum of money for the project this summer. We're not fully funded yet, but we're a whole lot closer than we've been in past years!! :D (again.. I'm just learning to sit, to be, and to BREATH!)

I have many one time gift needs, a few air line ticket needs, and am looking for people to partner with us by giving monthly to the cause of ASL Interpreters for Summer Projects.

If you live in Tulsa, I'll be setting up some Dessert and Details nights soon.. 
If you live elsewhere, I'll be sending out an e-mail up date soon..
If I don't know you, but you stumble upon this blog, and would like to be involved - please contact me via my profile info.. 

In the mean time, I'm going to keep learning how to just sit, and take in big breaths of His fresh wonderful air.. to just breath.

Soli Deo Gloria