Saturday, December 31, 2016

A few NEW thing - Welcome!

So, I kinda knew this would happen, but I kinda didn't. I was hoping that I would plan things better, but I knew I wouldn't.. Thus here's two NEW things for the New Year :)

First off, I'll be doing a new approach to my updates, as I've gotten some good feedback from many of you. I've learned I'm not "pithy" enough ;) and that, if I could give more "cliff notes" versions, ya'll would be more inclined to read it.. So, I'll start with bullet points at the top of each update that are succinct and hopefully clickable. It'll look like this.. 

** Cool thing happening in Baltimore! Check out this link for more details.. ( Links in ASL and English)

** Remember that 90's commercial with Bob "WeHadABaby-ItsABoy".. ? (Link in Spoken English and written transcript)

** Matching Grant expires tonight - every little bit helps!

(I'm trying to figure out how to code so that the bullet point will take you down to that part of the update if you are one of the people who said you still like to get the "meat of the story". For now, you'll have to scroll down to the corresponding headline.) 

Right now, students are gathered for Cru's annual Winter Conference in places like Indy, Denver and Atlanta. However, if you clicked the link for Baltimore's conference Live Stream you will see that they are the only one offering the main session with an ASL Interpreter! This is the second year for the conference to offer the Interpreter on a live stream feed, and the staff has been great to work with us. I'm so grateful for their willingness to help us reach the Deaf community with this solid and refreshing content about God's character. Our hope is to expand this to more conferences next year. If you've got a few minutes, check out the video archives! :)

(Second New thing - BABY!)

     He was around 41.5 weeks, "a week late" by medical standards, but when he decided to come it was a fast and furious hour and a half labor. Daddy caught him, the midwives didn't make it in time! As soon as we shared with family and close friends the replies came back - "what's the story behind his name"?? Like with Jaelyn, it took us over two days to decide for sure what his name would be. I always tell people, "It's so hard for me to name a human! It's not like a cat that I can change their name later if I don't like it." ;)
     For Azael and I, the names of our children provide an opportunity for us to create an Ebenezer. We want to honor the Lord in the names we choose for our kids, and allow them to be constant and visual reminders for us of where He has brought us on this journey called Life.
     When you look up Kaspien (pronounced like Caspian) on baby name websites, they will say, "We don't know what this name means, can you help us out?" So I guess we get to decide what it means.  :) It's counter part Caspian - as in the Caspian sea - is near where Azael and I went on a Vision Trip with Cru this past May. God used that trip to stretch us in good ways, so part of the name comes from a reminder of our time there. The spelling of Kaspien includes "aspen" - as in the trees. Aspen trees grow in a communal root system. Azael and I have been in search of "community" since we married, not really finding a thriving place to root ourselves. Our move to Iowa has been a bountiful place to bloom, and connect deeply with like-minded SIGNING (Deaf and Hearing) couples and it's been a breath of fresh air for us. So, to us, Kaspien means "Finding home, settling where community thrives."
     When Azael was offered the opportunity to work in Iowa on the ASLV Bible Translation team, we had only been in California 2 weeks and were quite unsure if we should pick up and move again. The name Adoniram kept coming to mind for me, and I found it odd (since we didn't know if Baby was a boy or a girl). I knew of Adoniram Judson from reading about missionaries when I was younger, but I didn't fully remember his story so I googled him. Adoniram Judson lived in the 1800's, and his main work in Burma was Bible translation. Azael and I felt confident that this was God confirming for us to yet again pack up and move, this time to Iowa. We chose to keep the 'a' in Adonai - the name of the Lord in Hebrew, and were also blessed by the opportunity to honor Azael's mom in the process with her name 'Dona' being included in the spelling of Adonairam.

So, that's the story behind his name..

I'm trying to make the transition from the event based budget I've had in the previous years to a continuous operating budget starting in 2017. In order to make that transition, I need to end this year well and start next year strong. Thank you to everyone who has already given. Thank you also for your consideration to steward your resources well! If you've not yet given, click this link for secured online giving. Thanks for your continued support!

May the new year find us doing more kingdom work than before!

Soli Deo Gloria


Monday, December 19, 2016

Meditations&Musings4Mondays: Things pondered..

Monday's postings are longer, more in-depth thoughts or stories that I feel the need to share. If you don't have time to read this now, you can look at the cliff notes versions in the bullet points at the beginning of the posts.. When you have the time, please feel encouraged by the stories God is telling, and musings that he brings to my mind. 

* For those of you who've labored (birthed a child):
          Thoughts about the "round yon virgin"..

* It's not about the $$, its about the ministry (yours AND mine):
         Thoughts on year-end appeals, and monetary giving and motive..

* "Drudgery is the test of genuine character. The greatest hinderance to our spiritual life is that we will only look for big things to do." - Oswald Chambers

    As we are in the season of Advent - I being in my own personal season of waiting on this baby inside of me to "finish cooking" - I was struck by a wonderment the other day during a conversation with my midwife. I experience "toning or practice contractions" (also known as "Braxton-Hicks") for two months or so before my baby is actually born. They started daily in June with Jaelyn, and she was born the first week of August. With this baby, it was about the beginning of November that I've daily had partial or full-uterine contractions. I know this is not common for everyone, as I have a friend (who has birthed 6 kids) tell me she only has contractions on the day she delivers.
    On social media there is a trend now to "tell the birth story" of your child's entrance into the world but I suspect it's been a word-of-mouth tradition shared for ages past.. However, the gospel writers, being men, left out that part of Mary's story, only telling us that "she brought forth her first born son" .. and so it causes me to wonder.. Did Mary have "practice contractions" leading up to the birth of Jesus? As she rode on the donkey, did she sometimes have to catch her breath at the intensity of her body "preparing room" for Jesus's entrance? Hollywood would like us to believe it was a dramatic arrival to Bethlehem with her in transition as Joseph frantically searches for a place for her to give birth.. But still, I wonder.. Maybe they got to Bethlehem, found a place, then her water broke the next day and Joseph had time to track down a local midwife to come help with the birth. It being her first child, I don't know all the Jewish customs, but I have to assume that there was help from a local midwife.. How long was Mary's labor? A short 5 hours? or a taxing 24 hours?
As I wait for this second child of ours to come into our arms, these are my ponderings of late.. :)

    From November 29th to December 31st it seems as though we've entered the era of social media pressured giving. As much as I want to take advantage of the social media trend, I also feel a tinge of remorse. I want to be an outlet for God to use your gifts, talents and resources to meet a need that I feel is very blaring, but I don't want to do it at the expense of you spending time with our Abba and asking Him where it is He wants you to invest those things. I am not a "one-man-team" and can't do it all on my own - so I need you to partner with me to accomplish the things that He's given me the vision to do. But I also don't want it to only be a check-mark on your financial duty to "give". I want you to want to be generous because you realize that you've been given much - and in that "much" you want to be blessing to others. I want to be a conduit of blessing for you, not a sieve of gilt on you.
   So I wax and wane in my support-raising efforts during this time. I did try to capitalize on the #GivingTuesday wave, as I keep hearing the saying, "People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves".. but I struggle to keep the fundraising side of things at the front of what I do, because I don't want you to give out of obligation - I want you to give because you see the vision, you can feel the need, and you want to be a part of the bigger picture too..
    And maybe that's where I've failed you in the past.. I've not painted you that picture, given you those stories - the Evidences of Glory - that are happening on the college campus with Deaf students right now. I've neglected to broaden your horizon's about the Deaf community and the lack of understanding they possess when it comes to Christian things *mainly* because of the lack of information available to them.  I hope to do a better job in the coming year of raising awareness regarding a Deaf individuals access to Christian resources as well as introduce you to some of the key players who are working alongside me in this fledgling ministry. Thank you for your time and patience as I learn how best to bring these things to your attention. And thank you for those of you who have been joining me on this journey from the beginning. I truly do value your partnership, and am grateful for the team that our Heavenly Father has provided thus far. May we continue the journey together, further up and further in! :)

    And it's that quote from Oswald Chambers that has me thinking about the state of the ministry - where I find myself currently - two years in and still trying to figure out all that I should be doing. I actually prefer the "behind the scenes" work of a conference or event to the "stand in the spot light" side of interpreting. However, in doing the behind the scenes work, I don't always take time to consider that the work I'm doing will be of any real value to anyone other than myself, and those it immediately impacts - ie: attendees, conference planners, etc.. As I've been taking some courses provided by Cru on leadership, I've found myself realizing that in pioneering this trail within the larger organization of Cru, I'm actually leaving blue-prints along the way for those who will come after me. I'm laying foundation that others will build upon. And in doing so, I need to not only look to the here and now, but also to think about the others that will come after me, and how what I establish now will either be the "norms/best practices" for the future or the "draft that gets thrown away for faulty planning".. I long to be the former in my current role. I want to not get stuck in the "drudgery" of establishing a ministry, but I want to make sure I'm laying a solid foundation for the next generation of workers in Deaf ministry to follow. What about you? What do you see as mundane in your current situation that could actually be the formation of Christian character with in you?

Praying that you find this holiday season full of rest and time to reflect. In whatever way our Adonai is prompting you - to doto give, to rest, to be - I hope you heed His advice and dwell there for a bit. :)

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Check it out! :)

Hey there.. I've got a few new things up on the blog and I just wanted to point them out so you can look them over for yourself.

I've added two new tabs to the blog, one entitled "Current Needs" (linked here for those of you reading in email) and In the Pape! (again, click the link to see it online).

The Current Needs tab is where I've listed all the things that I need help with to continue this ministry and I'd love to have you partner with me! Please peruse the page to see where you can use your time, talents and/or resources to further the great commission within the Deaf community.

In the Pape! highlights where the Deaf community and this ministry have been featured in online articles. Hope it's a blessing and encouragement for you to "taste and see" where the Lord is drawing Deaf people to himself! :)

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"When it rains, it pours.."

Hello friends!

I know not everyone is on Facebook that get's my newsletter updates, so I wanted to send out a quick note here. 

We are still on our way to Deaf Missions in Iowa.. However, it's been a doozy of a trip so far. I could give you the play-by-play, but suffice it to say that "if it's not been one thing, it's been another".. We started off the trip with a corroded spark-plug (yes, I know, HOW does THAT happen??) and since then we've been side-lined in Salt Lake City for the past 3 days with our car in the shop having the driveshaft rebuilt because it was "all sorts of messed up" to quote the mechanic. We are currently waiting for another part to come in that is only obtained from a dealer. The repair shop, knowing that we were on a cross-country trip, ordered it to be shipped overnight, however it didn't come today, and they aren't sure where it is. :(

I could go on, but I'll stop here with the lists of trials to say there have been some blessings along the way, namely that we are stuck in SLC at a friends house, and did not break down on the side of the road in a random town causing us to pay for a hotel room nightly. Sometimes I just find myself laughing at all the things that have happened, and a verse from the old newsboys song comes to mind:

Mom & Dad,

I'm fine. How are you? I have joined a
Small circus (that much is true). I'm a
Little malnourished, but try to relax.
Could you find a better photo for the milk
Carton backs?
Send money.

Not exactly the same circumstances, but feels that crazy at times.. I'll send another update when (if? ;) haha) we finally do make it to our destination, but for now, prayers for patience for us, and Jaelyn as she is becoming road weary, and for wisdom as we continue on this trip are appreciated.

Soli Deo Gloria

Saturday, July 16, 2016

"Are we there yet?"

Hello friends!

So in an Abram-esque "go to the land that I will show you" way, what we thought was our final destination (California) has now become just a layover on our newest adventure. Through a series of God-ordained events, we are not settling down here, but instead will begin the second leg of our journey next week in order to make our way to Iowa at the beginning of August. Azael has been offered a job with Deaf Missions working on the ASLV (American Sign Language Version) translation of the Bible, and will begin attending their Training Center as well. This will not impact my job within Cru, but it does change some of our thoughts and strategies about how things will play out this coming semester. I'll update on those as we figure them out. ;)

This was not something we foresaw when we moved out here to California late-June, and really, I don't think our seemingly stutter-step was a move in the wrong direction. God has blessed our time with Azael's family, allowed Jaelyn to get to know her set of West-Coast Aunts and Uncles and given us some time to dream about and make an action plan for the trajectory of our family. While it will not end up being a "cost-effective move" on our part to come all the way west to Cali only to go back north to Iowa, it has been a worth-while trip in terms of personal investment. We trust that God has gotten us this far, and He will continue to provide as we "step out knowing He won't let us sink".

As we continue on this journey, there are a few unknowns - mostly related to adjusting to another new place and finding a mid-wife for our baby. We are 18 weeks along, and I'm feeling some "time-crunch" on getting settled and ready for baby Bu #2.. Prayers for timely answers about home-birth in Iowa and our transition there are appreciated. 

Thanks so much for your support - prayerfully and monetarily - during this time. We are ever grateful to your investment in our lives and appreciate your continued willingness to walk this journey with us :)

Soli Deo Gloria

Sunday, June 19, 2016

at Capacity..

Hey friends!

It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and catch up. Our Adonai has been teaching me about "capacity" and what "AT capacity" means/feels like. 

For those of you that don't know I'm a little over 3 months pregnant with our second child. We are also in the middle of a cross-country move to L.A. so my husband can start graduate school in the fall. Packing up a house to ship all your belongs cross country a month before you actually move because you are going over seas then living with your parents for 3 weeks before you actually load up the car and head out is not for the faint of heart. ;) Finding out the reason for your exhaustion during said packing is not only the work load, but also the fact that you are now growing a tiny human, helps explain the reason, but doesn't necessarily help you feel better or be able to find the energy to finish everything you had planned in the last month before you move.. SO.. Capacity.. I found it.. met it.. exceeded it - and not in a good way. :(

I wish I had an assistant as there is still work within Cru and for this summer that needs to be done, but I'm still just a one-man-show when it comes to my position. I'd love to be able to "hire people" under me, but it doesn't seem to be in the plans of the "higher ups" for right now. I'm trying filter what needs immediate attention and what can be added to the laundry list of things that need to be done within the realm of my job description. I WILL give an update to my Central Asia trip, and explain how the move to Cali will impact my work at some point in the near future, though I can't promise when. Thanks for bearing with me!

We know the phrase "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few".. I'm feeling the weight of that truth in this season. I appreciate your prayers as I try to find the balance in work and family during this transition.

Lastly, as always, fundraising is a part of my job that -unfortunately- seems to never be "at capacity"! My budget is ever increasing as projects and conferences get added, but my funds are not. I still have the matching blessing associated with my account, so if you give to the ASL interpreting fund, every dollar you give gets doubled

Soli Deo Gloria

Monday, March 21, 2016

It's a bird, it's a plane.. It's Super Terp!

Through planes, trains and automobiles the interpreter team trickled in over the last few days. There was some concern when two of our interns on the team missed their flight and came in the next day, but all is well now. 

Please take some time this week to see what the students at Big Break are learning through the Morning Sessions and Evening Sessions. These sessions are live streamed at 10am and 7pm EST, but are also archived on the same page, and viewable whenever you are able to watch them.
We pray that it blesses you!
Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to meet the subsequent communication needs incurred, and prayer partners/a financial support base to join me on the journey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
(Personal) When you are in the middle of a trying situation it's weird how time seems to stand still, and yet drain down the hourglass at the same time. Over a month ago now I typed "I'll try to follow up with any concluding information we receive next week, but for now it's just a waiting game.." in regard to my mother-in-law's disappearance. Here are the links to my subsequent facebook posts if you missed them (January 13th, January 15th, January 18th and February 13th).
This weekend we are headed back to California to be with Azael's family for a Celebration of Life event. Her body has not yet been found, but the family feels this is the next right step. If you think of us over the weekend, prayers for closure and to be able to walk alongside family members well during this time of grief are appreciated. 
(Ministry) Radiate was a land mark event for us as they Live Streamed the interpreter for the first time at a Cru event AND archived them!! Next on the agenda is getting them to caption the promo's and funny video's but it's a HUGE step in the right direction! :)
Now we are gearing up for Big Break - so far 4 Deaf students/Staff are committed to going. I'm in the the process of getting the interpreting team together and planning for the week long conference at the end of March.

*I'll be going to Big Break in Florida March 20th-26th. 
* I'll be doing some recruiting/fund raising trips in April - my current plans are to visit St. Louis, Northern Indiana and RIT.
*Exciting things are in the works for an overseas trip! This will be another FIRST in the Cru world for Deaf individuals. I can't say much now, but as soon as we nail down the details I'll share about the plans we are making - SO EXCITING!! :)

Finances: As always, your monetary investment allowing us to bring access to the gospel to Deaf college students is invaluable. I am continually asking Abba to bring more laborers to the Harvest - which includes those of you who give so generously to allow us to go and do the physical labor part. A new year means a new schedule of events and a new budget to fulfill. Please feel free to forward this email or simply click on this link and send the web page on to friends and family that you think would be interested in partnering with us as we reach one of the largest unreached people groups in America!

We appreciate your prayers regarding Azael's mom.
I remain grateful for your choice to steward your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

[what]S'up, Wednesday?

[what]S'up, Wednesday?" is a place where I give updates about how day to day life is going as I work recruiting Deaf students to be involved with CRU, ASL Interpreters to meet the subsequent communication needs incurred, and prayer partners/a financial support base to join me on the journey. It will typically include something that has just happened, a "forecast of my schedule, and an update on my financial situation.. :)
Happenings: I'm afraid this message will be overshadowed by the personal crisis that my family is walking through right now. We arrived home from Honduras Thursday night to the news that Azael's mom was missing. I have not had time to collect my thoughts past the recent facebook status posts of this last week. If you are not on FB, I've included the links for Friday January 8th, Saturday the 9th, Sunday the 10th, Monday the 11th, and Tuesday January 12th. I'll try to follow up with any concluding information we receive next week, but for now it's just a waiting game. 

*Radiate was a success! 6 Interpreters, 3 Deaf individuals. If you missed the sessions and are curious about the conference, visit this link, and then click the "watch live" videos to find the archives.
* Big Break will be in Florida again, during spring break in March. More information to come, but I am starting to plan for the terp team now! :)

Finances: Thank you to all who gave generously at the end of the year. Your gifts were doubled and the total amount brought in was $5,466.14!! So very thankful for your monetary investment into allowing us to bring access to the gospel to Deaf college students. 

We appreciate your prayers regarding Azael's mom, and are grateful for your choice to steward your resources well! 

Soli Deo Gloria