My facebook "religious status" is a line from a Jeremy Camp song: "Show me how to live my life, a sacrifice.." which he "lifted" (can you "steal/plagiarise" the Bible?) from Romans 12:1-2. I'm a fan of J.Camp precisely for this reason. Most alllll of his songs come from scripture. I find this refreshing especially since it's not just the "Jesus-God-love-peace-happy" kind of stuff that is mainly "mainstream Christian radio".. Not to say that all Christian pop/current songs are all bad (and that shallow), but most are not that good (theologically sound) either.. Thus, I can't think of a better way to end this series than with this quote..
"My aim is to hold tightly to my Savior while keeping a loose grip on the world and this temporal life, remembering the words of Jesus: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Jeremy Camp
Convicting to the core! Every year, on my birthday, I make my "What do I want to be true of me in my "age#" year?" list.. I don't do the New Years ones, cuz.. eh.. I don't like peer pressure.. and I want things that personally apply to my walk with God.. things that He's showing me, or helping me to process through. I want this to be Karios time, not Chronos (I'll expand on this at another time, you can Google it, if you don't know the difference).
"My aim is to hold tightly to my Savior while keeping a loose grip on the world and this temporal life, remembering the words of Jesus: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Jeremy Camp
Oh that my aim *daily* would be so pointed! I am continuously spurred on toward love and good deeds by J.Camp's lyrics. For my birthday (yeah, the day I was suppose to finish these.. THANKS Cory for letting me borrow your birthday!) my sister gave me his book, called "I Still Believe: Discovering hope and healing in the midst of life's deepest valleys". Towards the end of the book, he makes this point.. hmm, *picks up book* *flips pages*.. I'll just let you read it..
"One of the challenges we face in our culture is that even followers of Jesus have drifted away from a basic literacy of God's Word. At best, we tend to ignore the Scriptures and look first to other books (or movies or music) for inspiration and wisdom, rather than soaking ourselves in the Bible like "a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season." If our generation would see the Lord's hand move in a might way in our land, we must get back to the building blocks of personal prayer, Bible study, fasting, exuberant worship and other spiritual disciplines. We are called to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds", whatever that looks like where we live, work and play." Jeremy Camp (p121)
And so, one thing I want to be "true of me in my 27th year" is that I read the Bible, cover to cover, in a chronological method - so that I can see, and know the story for myself - and not just depend on someone else giving me a "review" of it. I've read the Bible cover to cover before, but not in this format. If you'd like to read along, I'm using the "Reading God's Story: A Chronological Daily Bible" in the Holman Christian Standard version compiled by George H. Guthrie.
Let the story begin! I'm off to read the first part now.. I'm excited..
Soli Deo Gloria