Tuesday, March 13, 2012

27 Quotes/Phrases/Thoughts/Lyrics to live by: # 15

If you know me (in a face to face sense), you know that I'm a huge fan of languages and the respective cultural differences that accompany them.. "How do you say..?" "What are idioms in ________ language?" "How do you sign ________ in Russian Sign Language? Taiwanese Sign Language? Honduran Sign Language?.." 
I'm a linguistic nerd - and I own it ;)

This quote comes off a banana sticker..  El sabor de tu tierra

translate.google.com (my virtual best friend) tells me that it translates to "The taste of your land.."

For me, I take this a couple different ways.. first off all, it's my daily reminder (since I took the sticker off the banana and stuck it on my computer) to "TASTE and see that the Lord is good".. to experience HIS land as often as I can.. 

It also reminds me that there are so. many. different "lands" here on this planet we call Earth.. It makes me want to "taste the land" of  my compassion kids in Ghana, Haiti and the Philippines.. It causes my heart to be aware of the beauty that can be in the pain, and the repulsiveness that can come with stagnant indifference. It makes me think about the correlation to "tasting" and "seeing" something in a fuller light..

I want to "taste your land" - whether it's getting in my car and visiting where you live, and seeing your house, your family, your floor plan, your school, your co-workers, your pets - or if it's boarding a plane and stepping into the unknown.. By tasting it - I feel like it helps me to get a fuller picture of who you are.. like I know you a little better and get see you in your land! 

Soli Deo Gloria

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