“The solution to many of the world’s problems is discipleship.” -Francis Chan
It's this kinda discipleship that we need. And the wonderful/humbling/freeing/amazing/crazy thing is: we don't have to "get it right" all the time to be in this position.. in fact, we won't get it right most of the time - and that's OK!
(You're getting 2 for the price of one today- but there's back story to this quote..)
When I was in college, I sat under a God-appointed man named Travis Tamerius. Travis was the Chaplin at Woods and provided a wonderful greenhouse in which to grow in my understanding of God as Redeemer. Travis studied under a man named Eugene Peterson (who authored the Message translation of the Bible..) while in Seminary in British Columbia. During our weekly Chapel services, Travis would often recall things Eugene had said to him.. One story resonated so deeply with me, that I often play it on repeat in my minds eye..
Travis began this tale by saying that Eugene was being interviewed and the question came, asking why he continued to Pastor after so many years. Travis, with a glint in his eye and the corners of his mouth upturned, enjoying the story of his mentor, then says that Eugene - without missing a beat - responds with
"..because I love the mess."
The interviewer was taken aback, and Travis goes on to explain that Eugene had to stop and expand his comment, but essentially he was saying: I love having a front row seat to witness God's redeeming power and restorative work in the broken lives of the people in my congregation.
And that's just it.. discipleship means walking with people through those broken times.. and it's hard ya'll.. it exposes in you the nastiness that sin stains you with - namely (in me) Pride and Selfish Desires.. It reminds me that "I" am that sinner saved by grace. "I" am the one in need of the gospel - not just this other person that I'm suppose to be "teaching".. not just those people who's lived mimic a Jerry Springer episode.. me too!
And -speaking of Jerry Springer- it's messy.. It's not cut and dry, textbook answer, put a band-aid on it and go home kinda thing.. it takes time and energy. Physical + emotional + spiritual investment of your flawed self into another flawed person = MESSY .. but think back to Biblical times, when Jesus lived those 3 years with the 12 disciples..*shew* were they a motley crew! (getting it wrong more times than they got it right..)
So - step up, take courage, extend grace to others just as it's been given to you and embrace the mess..
..then witness the Redeemer's handiwork!
Soli Deo Gloria
Thanks for reflecting on a meaningful story to me and an important person in my life, Jenna. I'm glad our paths crossed at The Woods and grateful to have shared that time together. Keep writing! You have so many valuable insights to share.