Monday, March 26, 2012

27 Quotes/Phrases/Thoughts/Lyrics to live by: #4

On Thursday, I told the youth group that I work with, that last Monday I turned 27.. and they all (high school/middle school students) responded with "you're so old!".. *hahahaha* I remember being there.. and remember thinking (in h.s.) that, at 25 - you should know who you are, what you are doing in life, and be acting accordingly.. *bahahah* Now here I am, at 27, and still living at home, with no family and kids of my own, spending 3 months out of the year at a beach with college kids using this crazy "flapping hands" language that I love and trying to figure out who I am, what I'm doing and how to act accordingly. ;) In light of that, I am a fan of this quote (for multiple reasons).

"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway." - Van Wilder (and wiki says previously Bugs Bunny?)

1) Statements like these always make me chuckle, cuz while it's a generally correct principle, there are those people - like Enoch, Elijah and Jesus - that technically didn't "pass away".. and then there are those people (Lazarus, "Talitha", the widow's son) who got a second chance, but I digress.. 

2) In the materialistic world we find ourselves in today, it's a good reminder of the finite-ness that is our human condition. 

3) I find hope in this comment, too (though as a stand alone quote, I don't think the intent was to remind us that we were made for something more). I think it causes us to "contemplate the meaning of life" (2:23), and to realize that we were made for something more (0:38)

I'll close with this quote that has become a mainstay for me, in light of the "supposedly knowing who you are and what you're doing in life".. "The only constant in life is Change." - Heraclitus.. meaning that even if you "find" what you're suppose to be doing.. it's prolly gonna change, or circumstances are gonna change, or people are going to come in and out of your life.. which is hard for a closet perfectionist like me to accept.. so embrace the mess, and keep in mind that in this life, all we have to do is glorify God and enjoy him forever.. If you can do that, you've got it made! :)

Soli Deo Gloria

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