Sunday, March 18, 2012

27 Quotes/Phrases/Thoughts/Lyrics to live by: #10

In lieu of yesterday's post, I think this is one of the reasons that I find lyrics, poetry and spoken word in general so -dangerous? misleading? in need of being scrutinized? Those things all seem so harsh, and negative.. When I don't mean to be a debbie-downer.. I just want to point out that:

"A thing is not necessarily true because badly uttered, nor false because spoken magnificently."
Saint Augustine

At times I'm jealous of people like this guy or this girl (sorry Deafies - find me a grant, I'll take up a part time job and I'll fix Google's captions by inputting them all manually..), and I wish I could be as eloquent as they are.. I find myself linguistically drawn to the "I see what you did there!" manipulations of their words, weaving a brilliant tapestry of sounds and syllables into a picturesque scene that some one will pay money to hang on their wall..

..but then I think of this quote, and it's implications and my utmost desire is that the things I utter are TRUE.. 

I want to be a "person of my word".. but now-a-days, it seems (myself included) that our "Word" doesn't carry as much weight.. 
"I'll get that back to you tomorrow".. (a week passes, and it's not completed).. 
"Yes, I will be there".. (Something else comes up and we don't make it).. 

It seems like it's deeper than even that, though - I guess it goes back to Paul's admonition to "test everything; keep what is good".. which brings me full circle to yesterdays quote.. Don't just swallow everything that's given to you. Life comes with instructions: discernment required!

Soli Deo Gloria

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